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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Back ho me an d in a class all her own
She believes the counter is the one that she sat on while her teacher Mrs. Gasman tested her. She remembers the metal “tunnels” on the playground, the place where she sat in the classroom, and the field where she and her classmates played “Duck, Duck, Goose.
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It’s the law
City officials are not going to come knocking on your door to check, but homeowners who plan to add on or remodel should be aware that any improvement to a property that calls for a building permit will trigger the requirement to retrofit with compliant plumbing fixtures.
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Claremont Kiwanis officers and directors
The primary focus of the club is to serve the children of the community, by working with the Claremont Unified School District to continue projects, such as the “READ-ME” program, High School Scholarships; Best Bet in partnership with the Claremont Chamber of Commerce; Shoes that Fit; Special Olympics, and the Claremont Education Foundation.
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At Temple Beth Israel, B’not Mitzvah of seven
The service normally celebrates the “coming of age” of a Jewish child who is being recognized as an adult in the eyes of Judaism. For adults, the service is recognition of the attainment of knowledge that allows them to lead a congregation in the Shabbat morning service.
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Glendora Police accepting academy applications
Applications to attend can be picked up at the front counter of the Glendora Police Department located at 150 S. Glendora Avenue or by visiting the website at
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Sand for San Dimas
The rainy season is well underway in the Foothills, and sand is available for San Dimas residents to protect their property from moving water.
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The League of Women Voters of the Claremont area will feature a talk about “Traumatic Childhood to Healthy Adult”.
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Special at Quilters event: Egyptian tentmakers
Tarek Abdelhay and Hosam Hanafy are coming from Egypt to demonstrate and display their ancient craft. Hosam is a tentmaker through and through while Tarek, an attorney by profession, is not practicing currently so that he can focus entirely on his tentmaker work.
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Moss Bros. Auto Group expands to include FIAT
The addition to the locations is expected to increase local car sales and spur new job growth within the dealership group, which now employs over 800 employees in four Inland Empire communities including Riverside, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, and Colton.
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Armstrong Garden Centers offer winter classes
Each class will be instructed by a nursery professional who will offer timely gardening advice and hands-on demonstrations..
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