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Al Karnig: Vision, leadership and common touch
Thousands of Inland Empire residents knew Albert K. Karnig much better than I did. But if you did not know him at all, then let me share that his death last week marked the passing of an extraordinary contributor to life in San Bernardino County and the region.
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Property tax relief for senior owners
In 2014, both San Bernardino and Riverside counties adopted Prop 90, joining nine other California counties in allowing homeowners 55 years or older to transfer the base year property tax value of their principal residence to a new purchase without reassessment if certain requirements are met.
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“What if we can make a difference in the world? What if we can make a dent in the millions of lives that have been lost by people making bad choices?” Tomson asked the audience. “I know the Code works, but I don’t have the academic credentials, the firepower, to validate it like you do.
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Graber Olive House: Old ways better than ever
But newest is not always best, as evidenced at Graber Olive House in Ontario. The city’s oldest continuously operating company and the oldest olive packer in the United States continues to thrive, even when its “modern” olive production equipment more than 60 years old.
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KABOOM! at Fairplex
This year’s theme is Let Freedom Ring. Pyro Spectaculars by Souza, the premier fireworks company in the nation, will again perform the honors with one of the largest fireworks celebrations around—a patriotic panorama featuring dazzling aerial and ground displays.
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CLAREMONT LIBRARY May 22 Monday evening documentary film series celebrating Asian/ Pacific Heritage Month,.
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