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Femineer Summit
“I evaluated many programs aimed at attracting females to engineering and realized they were good at providing inspiration, but not good at providing solid skills,” said Dr. Mariappan Jawaharlal, mechanical engineering professor and co-founder of the Femineer program.
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Home offer mistakes to avoid
Consider using a well-known local mortgage lender or bank for your initial letter of financial qualification. You can always switch after the offer is accepted. Don’t be afraid to prove you are qualified for more than your offer price- - you want to show financial strength, especially if competing with cash offers.
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300 volunteers transform Pomona Alcott campus
Volunteers were organized into 10 teams, each with a volunteer project leader and a distinct assignment for the day.
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Mt. SAC launches Paramedic Academy
The program was completely reimagined using feedback from local fire and health care agencies. The program is now more intensive and streamlined, while still providing students classroom and hands-on experiences they need to make an immediate impact on the job.
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Esperanza Scholarship Foundation awards 60 students
The foundation formalized its longstanding relationship with Dollars for Scholars in 2013, a Scholarship America program with more than 700 locally based, volunteer-driven affiliates serving students in thousands of communities across the country..
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Ontario Town Square preps great Summer Series
The Summer Concerts on Wednesdays and the Movies on Fridays organized by the City of Ontario Recreation & Community Services provide free entertainment. Families bring their lawn chairs or blankets to the grass area at Ontario Town Square and enjoy live music, movies, food and beverages.
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Ontario Legion invites public to event
“We invite the public to join us,” said Squadron 112 First Vice Commander, and Ontario City Council member Jim Bowman. “Come enjoy lunch, join in the comradery, and share your memories of departed loved ones who served in the Armed Forces.”.
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Executive Women set June 23 for leadership event
“This event provides an opportunity for business leaders to make a difference in our communities, whether it is mentoring or donating to our scholarship program,” said Lorraine Kindred, president of the Pomona Valley Chapter, which covers the San Gabriel Valley and Inland Empire.
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June 3: Air, fair and Montclair
Montclair’s Alma Hofman Park will see saw splashing, wheeling, skating and some hula-hooping during the June 3 2017 Country Fair Jamboree. The fair will be 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 3, in Alma Hoffman Park 5201 Benito St., Montclair. This event will be great for the family.
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San Antonio Regional Hospital to hold 5th annual Health & Hot Rods Men’s health Event and Car Show,.
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KABOOM! at Fairplex
This year’s theme is Let Freedom Ring. Pyro Spectaculars by Souza, the premier fireworks company in the nation, will again perform the honors with one of the largest fireworks celebrations around—a patriotic panorama featuring dazzling aerial and ground displays.
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CSO presents Scottish music, June 11
Traditional bagpipe music will greet the arriving audience at the CSO June 11 concert. The orchestra will play three works that feature music of Mendelssohn, Bruch, and Amy Beach, the first woman American composer to publish a symphony. Notably, all three were child prodigies.
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Scheduled Workshops
Saturday, June 3, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. – Butterfly Celebration:.
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