The Ontario Fury have scheduled a player combine July 10-11 in search of local talent for the upcoming 5th Anniversary season. The two days of soccer tryouts will be at The Upland Sports Arena,1721 West 11 St. in Upland.
“We are always looking for players to improve our roster for both our first team and reserve squad,” said Ontario Fury President Bernie Lilavois. “This combine is a perfect opportunity for those players who may not have been seen yet, especially in arena soccer.”
Players are invited to take part in the combine, which will be from 10 a.m. to noon on Monday, July 10 and Tuesday, July 11.All players who tryout will get a chance to showcase their skills in front of team President Bernie Lilavois and the soon to be announced new Head Coach of the Fury.
“This will be a great opportunity to make the Fury roster, “Lilavois added. “We have had several players on our roster in the past, such as Robert Tornel, Christian Vidaurrazaga, Andy Reyes, Juan and Jose Gonzalez to name a few, that we found directly from these types of open tryout settings and we are looking forward to finding the next Fury Player or Players in this combine.”
Tryouts are open to all players age 18 and older and there is a $60 fee for those wishing to tryout.
Each person trying out will receive a T-shirt and the opportunity to be invited back for pre-season training camp, tentatively scheduled for October. Interested players may pre-register online at OntarioFury.com/Tryouts.
For more information about the Ontario Fury including the tryouts, check the Fury’s website at OntarioFury.com or email info@ontariofury.com.