The Auxiliary of Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center will host a Classic Car Show, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 19, at 1830 N. Orange Grove Ave., Pomona.
All proceeds benefit the Sick Baby and Hospital Assistance Fund. For 80 years, the Auxiliary has worked to provide funds for the patients and programs at PVHMC.
Purchasing car seats for our tiniest patients, providing transportation for parents, paying bills for families, and purchasing equipment throughout the Hospital are just a few of the things the Auxiliary provides.
Entry to attend the event is free and will include a free health fair including blood glucose testing, lung function testing, and blood pressure.
Health educators will be on hand to teach Sidewalk CPR; they will present information and answer your questions about diabetes, stroke and heart failure. You’ll have access to local vendors, health related businesses and non-profits as well.
Car registration to enter your pre-1976 car, truck or motorcycle in the show is $30. Vehicle entry includes an event t-shirt and trophies will be awarded in multiple categories.
For more information, to become a sponsor, or to register your classic car, call the Hospital’s Volunteer Office at (909) 865-9669 or go to our website at pvhmc.org/carshow.