Ontario Sons of The American Legion (S.A.L.) Squadron 112 will host a Veterans Day dinner and event 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at Ontario American Legion Post 112, 310 W. Emporia St., Ontario. “SAL’s Spaghetti” will feature spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread, for just an $8 donation. The program will include guest speakers, prize drawings, and live music, provided by the band “Blue Hwy,” a local favorite. “We welcome the community to stop by and visit the Post for this special event,” Squadron 112 Commander Clayton Bush said, “not only for the excellent dinner, but to meet Sons of The American Legion, Auxiliary, and Legion members. Besides our guest speakers, we also encourage any attendees who wish to say a few words about what Veterans Day means to them, to do so. “Our organization is part of the American Legion Family, with our prime directive being support of Veterans causes, as well as supporting our active duty service personnel. We truly appreciate the support of our community.” For more information (909)-984-3811, or visit www.sal112.org.