Upland Chamber of Commerce will present Taste of the I.E., featuring a Monte Carlo night of gaming, fabulous foods and drinks from local restaurants and beverage merchants, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Claremont. The master of ceremonies for the event features Chris Little of KFI 640 AM Radio. Tickets are $75 per person or by the earlybird discount price of $125 for a pair (two) of tickets by Dec. 14. Tickets are limited to 300 people. Guests must be 21 or over to attend the event. Taste of the I.E. offers and evening of music and dancing while enjoying a traditional Monte Carlo club lounge atmosphere. It’s an opportunity for gamers to take home prizes with winnings and bid on live auction items. It’s a tradition of fun with outstanding food and drinks all from local merchants and restaurants, all included in the cost of the admission fee. Enjoy fine wines, craft beers and amazing tastes from area restaurants and vendors. For more information about becoming a sponsor or for tickets sales for the Taste of the I.E. contact the Upland Chamber of Commerce at (909) 204-4465, or email realpeople@uplandchamber.org.