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Make a choice
Violence is about power and coercive control over others. It is not about mental illness, most people who have mental illnesses do not commit acts of violence. Violence is not something that is provoked by another person.
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At year end, a gift that keeps giving
Although I’m not sure how many kids will be dreaming of sugar plums this year, I am certain over the next three weeks, my daughters and your children, grandchildren or neighbors will be.
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Cruzin´ La Verne 2017
Steve O’Sullivan photos.
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Pomona Host Lions award teaching grants
Members of the CA Retired Teachers Association Div. 13 marked “Retired Teachers Week” in November by inviting teachers in 10 local school districts to apply for up to $200 to fund a classroom project. This year CalRTA received 171 applications and 25 were funded.
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Another view:
Another view:.
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AMOCA presents Kukuli Velarde, though Jan. 28
This exhibition is part of the Getty-led Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, a far-reaching and ambitious exploration of Latin American and Latino art in dialogue with Los Angeles. This the first West Coast exhibition by the U.S.-based Peruvian artist Kukuli Velarde, who was born in Cusco in 1962 and moved to the U.
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Living history, Padua Hills and the Mexican Players
These talks trace the more than 40-year history of the Padua Hills Theatre, relate personal experiences of the performers, and discuss the theatre’s influence on the local community and greater Pomona Valley..
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Cal Poly’s CEIS launches podcasts on education
“We are all excited about educating others regarding our scholarly pursuits, our advocacy efforts and the college’s new and evolving programs of study.As a long-time podcast listener, I know how satisfying it is to be exposed to new ideas as I drive to work or do chores around the house.
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ALTA LOMA Ongoing The Van Noy Insurance Agency has kicked off its 7th Annual Summer Mac & Cheese Food Drive.
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Mark calendars: Taste of the I.E., Jan. 26
It’s a tradition of fun with outstanding food and drinks all from local merchants and restaurants, all included in the cost of the admission fee. Enjoy fine wines, craft beers and amazing tastes from area restaurants and vendors..
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Let’s plant cool-season kitchen gardens
In California, there are two distinct seasons for kitchen gardens: March through September (the warm season) and the October through April (the cool season). The overlap during March and April means that we can harvest cool-season crops while we are planting our summer favorites.
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Candy giveback for troops
Juliana Hernandez, a 4th grader at Baldy View Elementary School, had no expectations when she turned in three pounds of extra Halloween candy as part of a giveback program to support U.S. troops..
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