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Take stock and reach 2018 financial goals
I’ve heard it said that most of us spend more time planning a vacation than we spend planning for retirement. With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of simple tips to help make sure that the next year is a fruitful one for you and your family..
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Leave no gifts for wretched burglars Holiday Security
Use the same care on your garage access door and reinforce hinges, make sure the frame is secure, and install a dead bolt. Disable the garage door opener and lock it when on vacation..
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nothing quite like watching the Tournament of Roses Parade in person, seeing the colors and textures on the floats as they skim along before your eyes, hearing the best high school bands in the country, and seeing the pageantry of costumed equestrians as they ride past.
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Mark calendars: Taste of the I.E., Jan. 26
The master of ceremonies for the event features Chris Little of KFI 640 AM Radio. Tickets are $75 per person or by the early-bird discount price of $125 for a pair (two) of tickets by Dec. 14. Tickets are limited to 300 people. Guests must be 21 or over to attend the event.
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Lift each other up this MLK Day of Service
Volunteering can take a back seat to other obligations and priorities. In fact, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, volunteering has seen a decline in the United States; only 24.9 percent of American adults volunteered in 2015, the lowest rate since the government began collecting this data 14 years ago.
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Rose Bowl Game Public Tailgate and Fan Fest,.
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Jan. 6: Bill Engvall, Lewis Family Playhouse
The Rancho Cucamonga Community & Arts Foundation will present the Grammy nominated, recording artist and comedian Bill Engvall..
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Tony Sheets’ mural distinguishes Pomona Hospital parking
“It was an honor to create this mural for PVHMC,” said Sheets. “I grew up in this valley surrounded by citrus groves and I coined the mural’s title from my wonderful memories of early life here. Two of my children were born at this hospital, which made the experience all the more personal to me.
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Jan. 6 Grammy nominated, multi-platinum selling recording artist and one of the top comedians in the country, Bill Engvall will perform.
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