The City of Fontana Housing Department is looking for applicants for its Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Housing Rehabilitation Program offers grants and deferred loans to qualifying applicants for the rehabilitation of owner-occupied, single family dwellings. Applicants must: • Have an annual household income that does not exceed Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) established income limits • Occupy the property as the primary residence • Own the property Amaximum, one-time grant of $5,000 will be provided to eligible low-and moderate-income owners, Seniors (62+) or households whose income does not exceed 50% of the Area Median Income. Loans up to $20,000 are also available to homeowners. With a 0% interest rate, loans become payable upon sale, refinance or transfer of the property. Eligible renovations include, but are not limited to, health and safety improvements, code violations, paint/ stucco, replacement of restroom fixtures and energy efficient improvements. For additional information, please visit the official Housing Authority webpage, view the Housing Rehabilitation brochure or call (909) 350-6720. See also