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Keep home systems humming and save energy through the summer months by completing a few simple home maintenance tasks.

First, schedule HVAC maintenance to make sure your air conditioning unit is ready to handle the summer heat. Heating and air professionals recommend an annual service to keep your unit operating at peak efficiency and ready to cool your house when you need it most.

An HVAC checklist should include thermostats and controls, refrigerant level, tightening connections, lubricating moving parts, checking the condensate drain, and cleaning coils and blower of dust and dirt.

Change your furnace filters and inspect and vacuum out all floor and ceiling registers. The AC condenser that sits outside requires plenty of air circulation to work efficiently, so trim back new spring growth and any shrubs away from the unit. Make sure there is at least 18” of space around the sides, and three feet or more above the unit.

Inspect your roof for any loose, missing, or damaged shingles and repair or replace where necessary. Examine plumbing pipes that vent through the roof for gaps or cracks in sealant.

Check for loose chimney bricks and mortar, rusted metal parts or flashing. Roofers aren’t as busy over the dry months and will usually give a free inspection.

Summer is a great time to work on your home’s energy efficiency to keep heat out and utility bills low. Begin by checking your windows and doors for air leaks. Add or replace cracked weather-stripping if you feel air leaking through. Inspect window caulking for any cracks or leaks and replace if needed.

Flush your water heater. Especially in areas with hard water, sediment can build up in the bottom of the water heater and make it difficult for the heater to do its job. Check “how to” videos online or call a licensed plumber to do the work.

Draining your water heater may amount to an extra 40 gallons or so of water use, but pros say if you do it once a year, your water heater will last twice as long.

Unplug your refrigerator and use your vacuum’s crevice tool or a coil cleaning brush attachment to vacuum out any clogged coils that can make your refrigerator work harder than necessary and raise the electric bill.

Check your washing machine hoses for any bulges, cracks, or leaks, and replace if needed. Once a year, clear out your dryer hose and exterior vent or have a professional do the job.

Adriana Donofrio Podley Properties Glendora (626) 926-9700