Inland Valley Hope Partners will host a Health Fair at the weekly Pomona Valley Certified Farmers’ Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 30 on the Corner of Pearl and Garey (Purpose Church). The Health Fair is part of Inland Valley Hope Partners’ 50th Anniversary Events to showcase services provided. Exhibitors will address questions or concerns regarding health insurance, Medicare coverage, transportation and more. Exhibitors participating include Anthem Blue Cross, Access Mobility, Tri-City Mental Health Services, Park Tree Community Health Center, Cal Fresh, Claremont Senior Program, DoTerra, East Valley Community Health Center and U.C.C Master Gardeners Los Angeles Region. Inland Valley Hope Partners sponsors the year-round Pomona Valley Certified Farmers’ Market to bring fresh, nutritious fruits and produce grown by local family farmers to residents of the Pomona Valley, specifically low-income families. The Market takes place 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every Saturday at the corner of Pearl and Garey in Pomona. Additional information is available at www.InlandValleyHopePartners.org.