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Installation of CGU President Len Jessup

Several hundred guests recently attended “Carrying the Flame: A Community Celebration,” a special ceremony honoring Claremont Graduate University’s heritage and featuring the installation of Len Jessup as CGU’s twelfth president.

Jessup’s acceptance remarks focused on the opportunities that CGU enjoys as a world-class institution and the advantages that a small school has in comparison to Jessup’s previous post as president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“Getting anything done at a big school feels like you’re turning a battleship, or a battleship group,” he told the audience. “But CGU is small, nimble, entrepreneurial, creative. There’s an excitement and an optimism that we have better days ahead.”

The celebration concluded with a special Town & Gown reception attended by the presidents of the other member schools of The Claremont Colleges, members of the Claremont City Council, and many other guests.

– Contributed by Claremont Graduate University

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