Mountainside Master Chorale celebrates 25 years of outstanding choral music with one of the most famous masterworks, Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana. The performance begins at 3:30 p.m., March 31, at Claremont United Church of Christ, 233 Harrison Ave, Claremont. This work ignites the senses for an intense experience not soon forgotten. Mountainside Master Chorale is joined by the University of La Verne Chamber Singers, singers from the Hour of Power Choir and the Easter Valley Children’s Choir.

The dA Center for the Arts in Pomona presents through March 24 the works of Cuban-born artist Oscar Albuerne and Puerto Rico-born artist Jose Vadi, with a special feature of The Displaced Immigrant Journey in the Joan Weldon Gallery. Oscar Albuerne is internationally exhibited and has lived in Southern California since 1968. Jose M. Vadi has resided in Pomona for more than 40 years. Location: 252 S Main Street, Suite D, Pomona.
For the first time, the City of Chino Hills is offering an Adult Easter Egg-Scramble, 8 p.m. Friday, April 12 at Chino Hills Community Park. Persons 18 years and older are invited to hunt for eggs featuring over $2,500 worth of prizes. Participants should bring a basket to gather eggs and a flashlight because the lights at the park will be off. Tickets are $16 at www.chinohills. org/EggScramble; at the Chino Hills Community Center and at Chino Hills City Hall.
The 17th Annual Corn Feed Run Car Show & Cruise takes over downtown Chino Saturday, April 13. Presented by Kiwanis Club of Chino and City of Chino, the show will be at the City Hall lawn, parking lot and surrounding streets. More than 850 vehicles are expected. Visitors are free of charge. Proceeds support youth and senior charities of the Chino Kiwanis. For more information, contact cornfeedrun@aol. com, call (909) 591-4162 or find us on Facebook.

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