Rose Wentz, also known as “Sweet Rose,” has been selected as the 2018 Glendora Citizen of the Year, according to the Glendora Chamber of Commerce. Rose will be honored at the 71stAnnual Glendora Citizen of the Year Banquet on April 18 at the Glendora Country Club. In 1989 Rose joined the Glendora Kiwaniannes, which was the start of her participation and giving back to the Glendora community. She has subsequently joined the Azusa/Glendora Soroptimist, Eye-Das, Glendora Coordinating Council and many others. She is currently serving a two-year term as President of the Glendora Coordinating Council. Reservations for the Citizen of the Year Banquet can be made with the Glendora Chamber of Commerce at 224 N. Glendora Ave., or Glendora- Chamber.org/coty, and (626) 963-4128.