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What's new at Foothills Reader City, National CORE mark 9th affordable housing communityNational Community Renaissance, based in Rancho Cucamonga, is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit developers of affordable housing. National CORE manages nearly 9,000 affordable, senior and market-rate units in California, Texas, Arkansas, and Florida. Page 1 - no comments - 1,275 views  Home purchase offer some mistakes to avoidFirst of all, time is of the essence. If you have toured enough homes, you usually know when the right one comes along. Be ready to pounce and have all of your financial ducks in a row, including bank statements or verification of down payment funds and a recent pre-approval letter. Page 1 - no comments - 1,000 views  May 19: Chino 94th Annual Pioneer PicnicAttendees to the picnic should bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share. Guests are also asked to bring their own table service and utensils. Complimentary water and coffee will be available.. Page 2 - no comments - 1,020 views 