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This week in Foothills Reader
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University of La Verne 2019 Commencement
The University of La Verne honored hundreds of graduates during Spring 2019 Commencement ceremonies at the end of May and early June, with Ortmayer Stadium the scene of celebration. The new graduate class of 2019 joins over 80,000 alumni who have earned their bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Colley Ford marks 2nd City of Hope campaign
The Glendora dealership matched its 2018 goal by raising some $10,000 in April and May, General Manager CJ Colley said, crediting the idea to General Sales Manager Cory Davis..

Let’s tackle summer to-do list
The AC condenser that sits outside requires plenty of air circulation to work efficiently, so trim back new spring growth and any shrubs away from the unit. Make sure there is at least 18” of space around the sides, and three feet or more above the unit.

Toyota New name, great arena
“We’re thrilled to be a part of the community and support this wonderful entertainment venue that has entertained so many families, sports fans, residents and visitors over the years,” said Cliff Cummings, President of the Southern California Toyota Dealers Association.

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ONT/DMV outreach: Help with Real ID
DMV representatives will staff information-only booths, beyond the TSA checkpoint, every second and fourth week of the month on Wednesdays and Fridays. The goal of the partnership is to allow customers more time to ask questions and speak to DMV staff as they wait for their flights.

IEUW’s Handbags for Hope benefits children
The Kentucky Derby themed event brought together more than 60 local women for a deeper look into the work of IEUW and the impact Women United makes for the Launch Point and ieReads programs..

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June 27: Chino’s 5th Annual Art Uncorked
Proceeds will benefit the foundation’s youth scholarship fund which provides financial support to students living in the Chino Valley school district who are pursuing their passion for art, theater, dance or music..

Foundation raises funds for children’s care
More than 400 attendees raised more than $70,000 to benefit the Hospitals’ neonatal intensive care (NICU) and pediatric units and Milestones Center for Child Development. The proceeds will be used to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for these departments.

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COLTON Ongoing Arrowhead Regional Medical Center offers maternity tours and preparation for childbirth classes regularly through its mother-baby unit,.

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Coming September: Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion
This annual event, held on the third weekend in September, is free to the public and encompasses approximately twentytwo city blocks with classic cars parking to show and shine plus cruisin’ for two days along the streets of downtown Ontario..