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The big shows, rides and fun continue through Sept. 22

Tasting vintage Gold at the Fair

Sniffing and swirling delicious Gold-medal wines continues at the 2019 Los Angeles County Fair (LACF) Fairplex Pomona through September 22nd.

Adults can taste over 200 Gold-medal Winners selected from 3,000 wines at the Fair’s Los Angeles International Wine Competition (LAIWC), which is the platform for an extensive wine education program featuring industry experts with extensive knowledge about wine growing, selection, evaluation, food pairings, and more.

All takes place in the Wine & Spirits Marketplace, located next to the Flower & Garden Pavilion.

Since 1922, the Fair has carried out its mission to enrich lives by educating and entertaining through unique and memorable experiences. The Wine Education Program is a fun and educational way to learn about the nectars of the vine. Guest speakers feature LAIWC Judges who enjoy sharing their passion, enthusiasm and knowledge.

Each class features six wines and four cheeses. Participants receive a Gold Medal Taste Ticket to be redeemed at the Gold Medal Tasting Bar. The cost is $20 per class - adults only.

Sessions remaining include:

“Zinfandel – California’s Heritage Grape,” “Best of the Best – Best of Class Wines,” “Bonjour – Wines of France!” and “Buongiorno – Wines of Italy!” “Award-winning wines of Southern California” is the subject at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, featuring local vintners Vince Ferragamo and Don Galleano and educator Bob Small.

Ferragamo, former Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl Quarterback is an active wine enthusiast, sommelier and owner of Tenuta di Ferragamo Winery in Orange County, which produces a worldclass Super Tuscan.

Galleano is president of the historic Galleano Winery in the Cucamonga Valley, where he grows and produces award-winning Zinfandel and world-class ports, sherries and Angelica wines.

Classes are popular and sell out fast. For schedule details, see “Wine & Spirits Marketplace” at

Gino L. Filippi is a fourth-generation Cucamonga vintner. Wine questions and comments to