Breast Health Center Medical Director Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC) will now offer the SmartCurve™ breast stabilization system to deliver a more comfortable mammogram, as part of our ongoing commitment to superior breast cancer detection. The SmartCurve system has the potential to increase screening compliance for women who have reported avoiding regular mammograms because of discomfort associated with breast compression. The new technology is more comfortable while maintaining clinical accuracy, which is key. Mammograms perform a critical role in the early detection of breast cancer. The SmartCurve system features a proprietary curved surface that mirrors the shape of a woman’s breast to reduce pinching and allow better distribution of force over the entire breast. In a recent clinical study comparing the SmartCurve breast stabilization system to traditional flat paddle compression, the SmartCurve system improved comfort in 93 percent of women who reported moderate to severe discomfort with standard compression. In addition, 95 percent of those surveyed would recommend facilities that use the system. We’re excited to provide this first-ofits-kind technology to our mammography patients and remain committed to offering the women of our community the best breast care possible. If you, or someone you know, is in need of a mammogram, PVHMC is offering low-cost $50 mammography screenings with this new SmartCurve technology throughout October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more information on this low-cost screening or our Breast Health Center in general, please visit pvhmc.org or call (909) 469-9472. See also