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What's new at Foothills Reader Tour de Foothills November 9Presented by Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare in Pomona, the Upland Chamber of Commerce’s annual cycling event’s post-ride festival, Tour de Brews, will feature an array of craft breweries, food vendors and product and service exhibitors from noon-6 p. Page 1 - no comments - 1,431 views  Pumpkin daysOutside Montclair Place,. Page 1 - no comments - 1,402 views  FOOTHILLS CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTSThrough Oct. 30, shoes can be brought to Crossroads at 1269 Harvard Ave., Claremont, and left by the big red doors at the end of the driveway. If you need a receipt for tax purposes, please be sure to leave your name and address each bag of donations.. Page 1 - no comments - 1,283 views  Stage home with fall accentsArrangements of seasonal veggies such as artichoke, squash or eggplants can take the place of the fruit bowl on dining or end tables. Succulents are often at their best in fall, when their coral, gold and magenta blooms play off harvest colors on the patio. Page 1 - no comments - 1,238 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARThe Assemblyman’s staff will be available to provide assistance and answer questions on topics including problems with the DMV, foreclosure prevention, veterans’ benefits, Medicare, state taxes, unemployment benefits, internship opportunities, and various legislative services. Page 4 - no comments - 1,884 views  16th Padua Hills Art Fiesta, Sunday, Nov. 3• Thirty area artists will have original artwork for sale. New work this year will include paintings and prints by Laura Barnes, Su Cheatham, Steve Rushingwind and Karen Werner; glass by Marc Gordon; ceramics by Liasbeth Mertins; and mixed media by Patricia Leigh Acuña. Page 7 - no comments - 1,482 views  SoCal Cars CalendarEVENTS Oct. 20 54th annual Classic Car Show and Swap Meet,. Page 9 - no comments - 1,736 views 