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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Nov. 9: Upland Tour de Foothills
Presented by Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare in Pomona, the Upland Chamber of Commerce’s annual cycling event’s post-ride festival, Tour de Brews, will feature an array of craft breweries, food vendors and product and service exhibitors from noon-6 p.
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Christmas on Euclid Experience
Families are invited to enjoy the holiday market, craft fair, snow play, horse drawn carriage rides, ice skating, live performances and so much more..
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When you go into escrow
At its essence, escrow is the process whereby parties to a real estate transaction deposit documents and funds with a neutral third party (the escrow agent), to be held in trust until certain conditions take place according to mutual written instructions from the parties.
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Veterans Day Events
The public is encouraged to attend and show their support for veterans. Aslideshow presentation will highlight veterans’ names and branch of service at the breakfast. Veterans can be included in the presentation by completing an online form available at www.
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Holiday cheer, treats at Padua Pasta Makers
Padua Pasta is a traditional Italian deli, market and bakery utilizing fresh ingredients - presenting 18 different pasta cuts including Linguini, Orecchiette and Pappardelle. They also roast their own prime “casino” roasts, along with brown sugar honey Christmas hams.
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CHINO Through Jan. 31 Nomination period for Chino Valley Unified School District Richard Gird Educational Hall of Fame open.
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