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What's new at Foothills Reader City of Hope, San Antonio Regional Hospital host Upland cancer cIn total, the facility houses nine cancer specialists, 25 exam rooms, two procedure rooms and 23 infusion chairs – including two infusion chairs in private rooms. Importantly, it also offers phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials. City of Hope Rancho Cucamonga has relocated its operations to City of Hope Upland. Page 1 - no comments - 1,825 views  Fall fireplace maintenanceIf you haven’t had the chimney cleaned in a few years, or burn more than one cord of wood a year, start with a Level One inspection by a chimney sweep or fireplace professional. The inspector will look inside the fireplace for cracks in the masonry, obstructions or creosote buildup, and tell you if you need a sweep. Page 1 - no comments - 1,398 views  Rancho Cucamonga Chamber 23rd Vintners CelebrationHeld at the Ontario Convention Center, the evening featured more than 20 local restaurants, breweries, and wineries, allowing guests to enjoy samples of a variety of tasty foods and beverages.. Page 1 - no comments - 1,371 views  Veterans Day EventsOther activities will include the raising of the new military flags, a bagpiper, the San Dimas High School choir, and more. The event is open to the public. Seating is limited so you might want to bring your own chair. For more information visit our website at www. Page 2 - no comments - 1,537 views  Dec. 8: Windsong Christmas Concert, La VerneCelebrating its Silver Jubilee 25th Season, Windsong, directed by Founder Dr. Janet Harms, and its affiliates, The Bells of Windsong, directed by Joan Hamm, and Canyon City Brass, directed by Mike Edwards, will present an exciting and diverse afternoon of holiday music. Page 3 - no comments - 1,433 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARCHINO Through Jan. 31 Nomination period for Chino Valley Unified School District Richard Gird Educational Hall of Fame open. Page 4 - no comments - 1,856 views  Claremont Chorale 52nd Season, three concertsFrom the crystal purity of the opening of Frozen to the primal sounds of Hans Zimmer’s score for Gladiator, there’s very little the voice can’t express! For the final concert of our 2019-2020 season we’ve assembled a blockbuster program of the highlights. Page 5 - no comments - 1,556 views  SoCal Cars CalendarNov. 22-24 McCormick’s Palm Springs Collector Car Auction,. Page 9 - no comments - 1,528 views 