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This week in Foothills Reader
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April 5: Upland Vintage Homes
A highlight will be a historic home by architect Myron Hunt, in the style of an Italian Villa. Myron Hunt also designed the Huntington mansion for Henry Huntington in San Marino and was known as one of the most important Southern California architects of the 20th Century.

March 5-12: Foothill Gold Line Open Houses
The Glendora to Montclair project will extend Metro Gold Line service to the cities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, Claremont and Montclair. The first nine miles of the project, from Glendora to Pomona, is fully funded and will begin major construction in late summer and take five years to complete.

March 21: Claremont Arbor Day
The Fair will include booths from local organizations, local businesses, and a succulent potting table, as well as information on composting, tree care, and waterwise landscapes. Breakfast will be provided for volunteers who will help plant 70 trees. To RSVP for planting, email Nicole Lang at greencrew@sustainableclareont.

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Feb. 17: Community Show Band shows what love is
During the day, Dr. Matamala is an administrator in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District. He will be featured on Sting’s “Every Breath You Take,” the Wings and Paul McCartney hit “My Love,” the haunting ballad “Unchained Melody,” and the Mexican hit song “El Dia Que Me Quiera” (The Day I Love).

Coming up: Ontario-Montclair Rotary 26th Car Show, May 9
If registering a show vehicle, include make, model, and year, as well as the name of any Club you and your vehicle are with. Pre-registered entries include a T-shirt..

Feb. 20: Hillcrest Business Partners Program
Area businesses are invited to attend this Mardi Gras themed event to learn about the various opportunities and benefits available when they partner with the nonprofit continuing care retirement community..

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Claremont Chorale 52nd Season, two concerts
Returning for the 52nd Season, the Claremont Chorale continues to grow under the leadership of Alan Wellman, artistic director, and Vernon Snyder, accompanist. Season tickets provide entry to all three concerts. For information, contact president@claremontchorale.

Through March 7: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Ophelia’s Jump Productions will begin the 2020 Season with Edward Albee’s Tony Award winning masterpiece, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The production will be through March 7 at the Ophelia’s Jump Studio Theater, 2009 Porterfield Way, Suite H, in Upland.

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United Nations Association of the Pomona Valley and the Pomona College International Relations Program host public event,.