Helen Rae and Artists of Tierra del Sol bring their unique vision to the Claremont Museum of Art, noon to 4 p.m., Friday through Saturday, through April 11, 200 W. First St., Claremont. The exhibition, Vanguard: Origins of Tierra del Sol Arts in Claremont featuring Helen Rae, represents 15 artists from the Claremont years whose remarkable creative expressions have influenced and enriched contemporary art in SouthernCalifornia and beyond. For more information, visit http://claremontmuseum.org.
Through March 15 Sister Act, 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, through March 15, Lewis Family Playhouse, Victoria Gardens Cultural Center, 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. Broadway at the Gardens presents Sister Act, a feel-good musical comedy smash based on the hit 1992 film and filled with powerful gospel music, outrageous dancing, and a poignant story. For tickets and more information, visit lewisfamilyplayhouse.com or call (909) 477-2752 or (877) 858-8422.
April 25-26 The San Dimas Festival of Arts 44th annual Art Exhibition and Sale, California Images and History, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 26, 145 E. Bonita Ave., San Dimas. The festival features an art gallery, student art display, raffles and art demonstrations. For more information, visit sandimasarts.org or call (909) 599-5374.
July 25-26 Tickets on sale now for Trolls LIVE! Tour, 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., July 25-26, Toyota Arena, 4000 E. Ontario Center Parkway, Ontario. Get ready for another hair-raising adventure when Poppy, Branch and all their Trolls friends come to life on stage in Trolls LIVE! Jam-packed with epic music, glitter, humor and happiness. For tickets and more information, visit TrollsLIVE.com or ticketmaster.com.
AUTO CLUB SPEEDWAY Auto Club Speedway is located at 9300 Cherry Ave., Fontana. For a full schedule of events and more info, please visit autoclubspeedway.com.
Ongoing Exotics Racing, every weekend. Drive your own choice of exotic cars on a race track including Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Nissan GTR, Porsche and Audi with 1-on-1 coaching from driving instructors. Info: visit exoticsracing.com.
CalSpeed Karting, daily. From pinnacle level competitive karting and arrive and drive racing to karting schools and corporate entertainment, CalSpeed is an outdoor karting center. Info: calspeedkarting.com.
AZUSA Ongoing Azusa-Glendora Soroptimist Club meets noon, first and third Tuesdays, Peppertree Café, 1020 E. Route 66, Glendora. Soroptimist means “Best for Women,” and the club stays within the mission of a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls. Info: President Shannon Lancaster at shannongirl54@verizon.net.
CHINO March 21 Chino Cultural Palooza, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., March 21, Chino Civic Center, 13220 Central Ave., Chino. The festival highlights the varied cultures that call Chino home, and will feature entertainment, shopping, food and cultural activities from around the world. For more information, call (909) 334-3258 or visit cityofchino.org/events.
March 23-27 Registration open for Chino’s Spring Camp, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, March 23 to March 27, Monte Vista Park, 13196 Monte Vista Ave., Chino. Sign up for the full week or just the days you need. Spring Camp will offer fun recreational activities, arts and crafts, games, and a field trip to Mt. SAC’s farm. For more info, call (909) 334-3528.
April 5 Chino Brew and Chew, noon to 5 p.m., April 5, Chino Fairgrounds, Chino. The event is the main fundraiser for the Soroptimist International of the Chino Valley, Inc. For tickets and more info, call (909) 718-3225 or visit chinobrewandchew.eventbrite.com.
April 15 18th annual Corn Feed Run Car Show and Cruise, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 15, Chino Hills City Hall lawn, parking lot and surrounding streets, 13220 Central Ave., Chino. More than 900 vehicles expected. Open to all pre-1975 cars and all working show trucks. Open header contest, vendors, trophies, raffle, food and music. Proceeds benefit local youth and senior charities of the Chino Kiwanis. For more info, Walt Pocock at cornfeedrun@aol.co, chinokiwanis.com or (909) 591-4162. For vendor space, email nickCFR20@gmail.com.
CHINO HILLS March 19, March 26, April 2 Meet with 2020 Census representative, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., March 19, March 26 and April 2, Chino Hills City Hall, Community Room, 14000 City Center Dr., Chino Hills. Residents can stop by City Hall for a one-on-one or small group Census 101 presentation and learn about the importance of the 2020 Census, how it works, the timeline for the project and additional details. For more information, visit 2020Census.gov or call (909) 908-7954.
March 20 20th annual Water Conservation Design-a- Sign Contest entries due, 4 p.m., March 20, City Hall, Recreation Office, 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills. Open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Participants will use their art skills to create a sign which depicts this year’s water conservation theme, “Every Drop Counts.” For more info, (909) 364-2700.
March 21 City of Chino Hills Youth Track and Field Meet, March 21, Chino Hills High School track, 16150 Pomona Rincon Road, Chino Hills. The parade of athletes begins at 8:45 a.m., field events begin at 9 a.m., and running begins at 10 a.m. chinohills.org/TrackandField.
April 3 Applications due for student member of Parks and Recreation Commission, April 3. The position is open to Ayala and Chino Hills high school juniors and seniors. Applications are available at each high school, online at chinohills.org/ParksandRecApplication, and at City Hall, 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills. For more info, call (909) 364-2620.
CLAREMONT March 15 Claremont Symphony Orchestra performs, 3:30 p.m., March 15, Bridges Hall of Music, Pomona College, 150 E. 4th St., Claremont. The concert will feature music that evokes the landscapes and cultures of Italy, Spain, England and France. For more information, visit ClaremontSO.org or call (909) 596-5979.
Mountainside Master Chorale, Mt. San Antonio Chamber Singers and La Verne University Chamber Singers in concert, 3:30 p.m., March 15, Claremont United Church of Christ, 233 Harrison Ave., Claremont. Enjoy a performance of Robert Cohen’s Alzheimer’s Stories and Requiem for the Living by Dan Forest. A special preconcert presentation about the work and Alzheimer’s will be offered by Cohen. For tickets and more info, visit mountainsidemasterchorale.org or call (714) 536-2541. Tickets will also be available at the door.
March 21 Claremont Chorale presents She Shall Have Music, 3 p.m., March 21, Claremont Presbyterian Church, 1111 N. Mountain Ave., Claremont. For tickets and more information, visit claremontchorale.org.
March 22 Foothill Philharmonic Committee presents Sing a Song of Hollywood, 6:30 p.m., March 22, Pickford Theater, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont. The concerts will feature artists from the LA Master Chorale. For more information, call (909) 625-7555.
March 28 The League of Women Voters-Mt. Baldy Area meets, 10 a.m. to noon, March 28, Hughes Center, Padua Room, 1700 N. Danbury Road, Claremont. The topic for this quarterly meeting will be mental health. There will also be some discussion about LWV’s recent program on homelessness. The public is invited. For more information, visit lwvmtbaldy.org, email info@lwvmtbaldyarea.org or call (909) 626-9457.
March 30 Democratic Club of Claremont meets, 7 p.m., March 30, Napier Commons Room, Pilgrim Place, 660 Avery Road, Claremont. Hannah Kivalahula-Uddin and James Fenelon, professors at Cal State San Bernardino, will discuss Native American issues. The public is invited. For more information, call (909) 626-8122 or visit jackncarolee@verizon.net.
April 5 Newcomers Access Center’s gala benefit dinner and silent auction, 5 p.m., April 5, Pilgrim Place, 665 Avery Road, Claremont. All proceeds benefit local refugee families. For tickets and more information, visit newcomersaccesscenter.org or call (909) 455-3248.
April 19 Claremont Eclectic: A Tour of Six Local Gardens, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., April 19. Join us for a chance to see some creative Claremont gardens, talk to the owners, and get some inspiration for your own garden. Tickets are available at claremontgardenclub.org. For more information, email info@claremontgardenclub.org or call (909) 621-6381.
CLAREMONT LIBRARY March 22 Fourth Sundays: Poetry at the Claremont Library, featuring Penelope Moffet and Jose Hernandez Diaz, 2 p.m., March 22.
March 24 The Library Book author Susan Orlean, in conversation with KCRW Press Play host Madeleine Brand, 7 p.m., March 24, Garrison Theater Scripps College, 241 E. 10th St., Claremont. Tickets are free but are required for attendance. To register for tickets, visit bit.ly/OrleanOTSP.

Claremont Museum of Art, 200 W. 1st St., Claremont. The museum is open noon to 4 p.m., Friday through Sunday, and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month for the Art Walk. For more information, visit claremontmuseum.org.
COVINA March 21 The Covina Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution meets 9:30 a.m., March 21. The meeting will feature a program titled DAR Schools by Cheryl Odell. For location and more information about joining the DAR, contact Covina Chapter Registrar Florence Gharibian at fgharibian1776@gmail.com.
COVINA LIBRARY Covina Library, 234 N. Second Ave., Covina. For more info, call (626) 384-5300 or visit colapublib.org.
Ongoing Join the Friends of the Covina Public Library Board Meeting, 10 a.m., third Saturdays, second floor of the Covina Public Library.
DIAMOND BAR LIBRARY Diamond Bar Library, 21800 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar. For more information, call (909) 861-4978 or visit colapublib.org.
March 19 Four Seasons Book Club meets, 6 p.m., March 19, Diamond Bar Library, Windmill Room. For its inaugural meeting, the group’s first book pick is Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton.
March 21 March Sidewalk Sale, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., March 21, Basically BOOKS, 23447 Golden Springs Drive, Diamond Bar.
April 18 April Sidewalk Sale, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., April 18, Basically BOOKS, 23447 Golden Springs Drive, Diamond Bar.
April 26 The 27th annual Wine Soiree and Benefit Auctions, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., April 26, Diamond Bar Center, 1600 Grand Ave., Diamond Bar. Organizers are planning an exciting afternoon of community involvement with a souvenir wine glass, delicious food, wine and beer tasting, along with silent, book and live auctions. Tickets are available at Midas Auto Service Experts, Basically BOOKS at the Diamond Bar Library, and Basically BOOKS on Golden Springs Drive.
June 18 Four Seasons Book Club meets, 6 p.m., June 18, Diamond Bar Library, Windmill Room. The June book is The Late Show by Michael Connelly.
Sept. 17 Four Seasons Book Club meets, 6 p.m., Sept. 17, Diamond Bar Library, Windmill Room. The September book is Wild Bird by Wendelin Van Draanen.

Ongoing Satellite wagering from Southern California tracks, opens at 11 a.m. daily at Finish Line Sports Grill, Gate 12 on White Avenue. Air conditioning, big screen TVs, and food and drinks are available.
The Wally Parks National Hot Rod Association Motorsports Museum, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Parking is at Gate 1 on McKinley Avenue. The museum chronicles more than 50 years of American motorsports history, and is presented by Automobile Club of Southern California. Info: (909) 622-2133.
Fairplex Garden Railroad, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., first Sundays, November through July. The popular G-gauge outdoor miniature railroad is located near the Fairplex Grandstand. Parking is at Gate 1 on McKinley Avenue. The trains journey through various eras of California history from the mid-1800s through the years. For more info, call (909) 865-4315.
Historic Trains Exhibit, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., second weekend of the month, near Gate 17. See the Union Pacific Centennial DD40X diesel-powered locomotive, which measures nearly 100 feet in length. The complete historical museum includes the original Arcadia Station built in 1895 and moved to Fairplex in 1969, along with seven locomotives, a trolley car, Pullman car, caboose and a livestock car. For more info, please call (909) 865-4043.
FONTANA March 15 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., March 15, Fontana Emergency Operations Center, 17005 Upland Ave., Fontana. CERT teaches participants how to safely care for their family, neighbors and self before, during and after a disaster. For more info, Emergency Services Officer Aminah Mears at (909) 356-2526 or visit Fontana.org.
March 30 to April 8 Fontana Senior Regional Games, March 30 to April 8. The 2020 Fontana Senior Regional Games offer seniors ages 50 and older an opportunity to have fun competing and celebrating health. Register at the Fontana Community Senior Center, 16710 Ceres Ave., Fontana. Locations and times vary per event. Registration is open through March 23. For more information, please call (909) 854-5151 or visit seniors.fontana.org.
Through June 6 Online registration open for 65th annual Fontana Days Runs, set for June 6. All level runners from beginners to experienced are encouraged to register. The family-friendly fitness centered event offers a variety of races, including a 5K Run, 5K Family Fitness Walk, 5K Race Walk and a Children’s Half Mile Dash. For registration and more information, visit FontanaDaysRun.org or call (909) 349-6900.
LEWIS LIBRARY AND TECHNOLOGY Lewis Library and Technology Center, 8437 Sierra Ave., Fontana. For more information, visit sbclib. org or call (909) 574-4500.
Library Beginners Courses (0-5 Years) Little Builders: A STEM Program for 3- to 5-Year- Olds: 10:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays. Hands-on fun with interactive STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program.
Toddler Boot Camp: 11:30 a.m. Mondays and Thursdays. High-energy songs with lots of movement to inspire healthy physical activity.
Movers and Shakers: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 4 p.m. Thursdays. Enjoy great stories, active songs, and fun props and learn a letter each day.
Preschool Storytime: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Featuring stories, songs, rhymes and more.
Tiny Hoppers: 10:30 a.m. Fridays. Dance and sing to fun songs, then wind down with a story.
Kid Zone Courses (6-12 Years) Construction Zone: 4 p.m. Mondays and Fridays. From Lego creations to paper airplanes, we will construct cool projects as a group or individually.
Storytime for All Ages: 2 p.m. Wednesdays.
Learnology Lab: 5 p.m. Wednesdays. A STEM program for children.
Adult Courses Citizenship: 5 p.m. Mondays. Covers the process for becoming a citizen.
Basic Computer Classes: 5 p.m. Wednesdays.
GLENDORA March 21 Income tax preparation help, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 21, Glendora Public Library, 140 S. Glendora Ave., Glendora. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide trained/IRS certified tax preparation volunteers will prepare your income taxes free of charge. We can prepare most personal tax returns. No appointments. First come, first served. Email questions to taxes@johncher.com.
April 25 Glendora Kiwaniannes’ 30th annual Community Tea, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., April 25, Sellers Elementary School Cafetorium,500 N. Lorraine Ave., Glendora. All proceeds fund grants for Glendora teachers to bring the arts and sciences into the classroom. The public is invited. For tickets and more information, visit glendorakiwaniannes.org or call (626) 712-0962.
May 2 The Glendora Welfare Association’s 6th annual fundraiser at Rubel Castle, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., May 2, 844 N. Live Oak Ave., Glendora. Enjoy dinner, live entertain, live and silent auctions and more. For tickets, visit GWAtickets.com. For more information, call GWA President Matt Bartlett at (626) 221-8252.
LA VERNE Through March 20 17th annual Spring Orange Squeeze, 9 a.m. to noon, through March 20, Heritage Park, 5001 Via De Mansion, La Verne. The La Verne Heritage Foundation is reserving weekday mornings for preschool and elementary school children to come and experience a little bit of what life was like during the orange picking season in the late 1800s. The field trip at the Weber Ranch will feature a tour in the historic Weber house, a tractor ride through the orange grove, a demonstration of how the oranges were picked, and more. For more information and to arrange for a tour, call (909) 293-9005 or visit laverneheritage.org.
April 11 Roynon Elementary School Beautification Yard Sale, 7 a.m. to noon, April 11, Roynon Elementary School library parking lot, 6th and D streets, La Verne. Find your next treasure and help a great cause. All proceeds benefit beautification projects at Roynon Elementary School. Donations of gently-used clothes, books, household items and other miscellaneous items will be collected the day before, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, April 10, near the library parking lot. For more information, please call (909) 560-4513 or (951) 285-2638.
MONTCLAIR Ongoing The Regional Council of Aging of San Bernardino County meets 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., every first Tuesday of the month, Montclair Senior Center, 511 Benito St., Montclair. All members of the community are invited to become part of our organization interested in issues that confront our senior population.
Baby Shower & Tour, 5:30 p.m., third Thursday of the month, The Birthplace, Montclair Hospital Main Conference Room, 5000 San Bernardino St., Montclair. To register, please call (909) 625-8146.
The Pomona Valley Art Association is a nonprofit, volunteer-supported organization dedicated to the stimulation of creative interest, education and the enjoyment of art in all its various forms. Located in Montclair Place, 5060 Montclair Plaza, Montclair, the PVAA has two venues: Gallery SOHO and The PVAA Art Place. Both are open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., daily. For more information, visit pvaa. net, email pvaainfo@gmail.com or call (909) 624-4900.
Prenatal classes, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., second Thursday of each month, Montclair Hospital, 5000 San Bernardino St., Montclair. Learn what to expect when delivering your baby and breastfeeding basics. Classes also available in Spanish and Mandarin. Space is limited. To register, call (909) 625-8146.
ONTARIO March 16 The Ontario Chaffey Community Show Band presents Rhapsody in Blue, 7:30 p.m., March 16, Gardiner W. Spring Auditorium, Chaffey High School, 1250 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario. For more information, please visit showband.net.
May 16-17 Comic Con Revolution Ontario, May 16-17, Ontario Convention Center, 2000 E. Convention Center Way, Ontario. The Inland Empires’ only full-scale, familyfriendly comic con will be back with an all-star guest list that includes artists, editors, novelists, producers, celebrities, writers, voice actors and more! For tickets and more information, ccrtix.com or comicconrevolution.com/Ontario.
ONTARIO CITY LIBRARY Ontario City Library system includes the Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St., Ontario, and Colony High Branch Library, 3850 E. Riverside Drive, Ontario. For more information, call the Ovitt Family Community Library at (909) 395-2004 or Colony High Branch Library at (909) 395-2256 or visit ontariocitylibrary.org.
ONTARIO MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND ART Ontario Museum of History and Art, 225 S. Euclid Ave., Ontario. Gallery hours are noon to 4 p.m., Thursday through Sunday. Admission is free. For more information or program reservations, call (909) 395-2510.
Exhibition Schedule Through March 29 Sam Maloof: Shaping Wood, Shaping Artists. Through March 29. This is a join exhibit of the Ontario Museum of History & Art and the Chaffey Community Museum of Art, in collaboration with the Sam and Alfreda Foundation for Arts and Crafts. The exhibit brings together Sam’s sources of inspiration, his artistic process, and the impacts he had on the surrounding area, as a collector and a worldrenowned craftsman.

Chaffey Community Museum of Art (CCMA) is located in the historic 1919 Ontario Power Company building in the Arts District, 217 S. Lemon Ave., Ontario. Admission to the Museum is free and ample parking is available. Hours of operation are noon to 4 p.m., Thursday through Sunday, or by special appointment. For more info, please call (909) 463-3733.
Exhibition Schedule Through March 22 Spotlight Gallery: Twice Removed – Lauren Verdugo. Through March 22. Inspired by the work of Sam Maloof and other midcentury studio furniture makers.
Through March 28 South Gallery: calm, centered, calm, torn stitched, knotted. Through March 28. Curated by Cindy Rinne. A group exhibit of contemporary artists who bring a meditative aspect to the process of fiber including fiber paintings, vessels, sculpture and installation.
Through March 29 Main Gallery: Sam Maloof, Native Son: Shaping Wood, Shaping Artists. Through March 29.
March 26 to May 16 Spotlight Gallery: Expressions in Wood – Dan Frembling. March 26 to May 16. Enjoy works of art made from wood.
April 2 to June 6 Main Gallery: Perspectives - Mid-Valley Arts League. April 2 to June 6. Mid Valley Arts League’s 67th Members’ Exhibition is a juried exhibition featuring an extraordinary body of work produced by members of all levels. A wide range of subject matter, from representational to nonobjective will stretch your imagination and satisfy your artist’s palette.
South Gallery: Perspectives – Honor Court. Mid-Valley Arts League. April 2 to June 6.
May 21 to June 27 Spotlight Gallery: A Primer of Art in Paper – Margaret Goodward. May 21 to June 27. This exhibit displays a sampler of the many ways art is created out of paper.
Through May 24 Line Gallery: Time for Trees. Through May 24. Most people enjoy the visual beauty of trees, but what can a tree do for you? Trees clean our air, provide us with oxygen, reduce the effects of climate change, help clean our drinking water, and help save us energy. Celebrate the beauty of trees with artworks from our collection.
May 28 to Aug. 30 Line Gallery: Wet and Wild. May 28 to Aug. 30. As summer approaches, we look forward to journeying to the cooler temperatures at the California Coast. Enjoy this beauty with works from our collection.
POMONA April 18 Pomona Host Lions Club fundraiser Quarter Mania, 1 p.m., April 18, First Christian Church, 1751 N. Park Ave., Pomona. Entry fee includes lunch, paddle and door prize ticket. Bid on prizes in denominations of quarters. Proceeds will be used for community service projects. For more information, contact Carmen Morris at carmenthelion@gmail.com.
AMERICAN MUSEUM OF CERAMIC ART American Museum of Ceramic Art is open noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday; 399 N. Garey Ave., Pomona. For more information, visit amoca.org or call (909) 865-3146.
Exhibition Schedule Through April 19 Joanne Hayakawa: A Wing and a Prayer 11. Through April 19.
Through June 21 New Acquisitions from
the Julianne and David Armstrong Collection. Through June 21.
Through Aug. 23 Making In Between: Contemporary Chinese America Ceramics. Through Aug. 23.
dA CENTER FOR THE ARTS dA Center for the Arts, 252-D Main St., Pomona, in the Pomona Arts Colony. Hours of operation are noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, noon to 9 p.m. Thursday and second Saturday, and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call (909) 397-9716.
Classes Portrait Painting, 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Mondays. Uninstructed life painting or drawing session with clothed/costumed model resuming same seated pose all day.
All Levels Painting Studio, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursdays, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays. For ages 15 and up. Homeschoolers welcome. This painting class is designed with flexibility and individual artistic growth in mind.
dA Youth Voices, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays. Ages 6 to 16. Students will develop their own voice and experience performing with a choir. The story behind the music and art projects are incorporated into the lessons to amplify the fun.
Ongoing Drawing: 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays, for beginners to intermediate artists.
Mic and Dim Lights Poems, Stories, Beats, Life, 8 p.m., every first Thursday. People of all types can embrace a safe environment for expression. Ranging from novice to seasoned spoken word poets to live art, this monthly event is both welcoming and nostalgic.
Saturdays - Clay: Adults 16 and older: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; children 6-15: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Students learn what clay is and how it has been used throughout history and in today’s world. They will also create projects using various building methods such as slab construction, pinch-pot and coil building.
Saturday Painting: The painting course is designed with flexibility and individual artistic growth in mind. The studio provides an instructionbased painting environment in which students can choose and carry out their own assignments. No previous painting experience required.
Life Drawing: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Thursdays, and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Uninstructed figure drawing from life allows participants to study and draw the figure at their own pace.
RANCHO CUCAMONGA April 4 Cucamonga Valley Water District’s annual Earth Day and Open House, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 4, 10440 Ashford St., Rancho Cucamonga. Highlights include landscape workshops, kids’ activities, department demonstrations, an environmental magic show and refreshments. For more information, visit CVWDwater.com or call (909) 987-2591.
April 25 Water Savvy Garden Tour, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Cucamonga Valley Water District’s free self-guided tour educates residents about the beauty and benefits of water-saving landscapes. Registration required. For more information, visit CVWDwater.com or call (909) 987-2591.
April 30 Water Savvy Landscape Contest application deadline, April 30, CVWDwater.com. Cucamonga Valley Water District customers with beautiful, water-saving landscapes are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit CVWDwater.com.
Ongoing Cucamonga Service Station, a Route 66 historic location, is open as a museum and gift shop, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday to Sunday, 9670 Foothill Blvd, Rancho Cucamonga. It was built in 1915 and later restored by the Route 66 Inland Empire California Association. Cucamonga Service Station reopened as a museum in 2015, winning the 2016 California Preservation Design Award. For more information, visit route66ieca.org.
Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America West End Lodge meets 6 p.m., second Wednesdays. If you are Italian or just love all things Italian, we would love to meet you and tell you about our organization. We invite you to join us at one of our meetings. For more information or for current meeting location, contact Carol Lombardo at (626) 251-5669 or Italian_gal@outlook.com.
Cucamonga District Host Lions invites you to become a member of the largest service club in the world. Lions are best known for fighting blindness and assisting the visually impaired – but do much more. We meet the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 11896 E. Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga. For more info, call Steve Lacey at (909) 921-6560 or Bob Terry at (909) 702-2103.
Moms with MS Support Group meets 10 a.m. to noon, the second Tuesday of the month from August through May, Shepherd of the Hills Church, Room 10, 6080 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga. For more information, contact Kim Zolotar at (909) 904-0352 or awzmom@yahoo.com.
The John Rains House is open for tours. John Rains, a businessman and grape grower, had the home built in 1860 and it is now a historic site of the San Bernardino County Museum. He lived there with his wife, Maria Merced, and their children. The house is open for tours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday, 8810 Hemlock St., Rancho Cucamonga. For more information, please call (909) 989-4970.
Volunteer Citizens on Patrol needed for the Rancho Cucamonga/Fontana court services division of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. Volunteers will assist court deputies and the public. For more info, contact Rick Absler at (909) 593-2261.
Alternate Weeks Rancho Cucamonga Vets Support Group advocates and supports military veterans of all ages. Meetings are 6:30 p.m. on alternate Wednesdays at the Rancho Cucamonga Resource Center, 9791 Arrow Route, Rancho Cucamonga. For more information and meeting dates, please call Mike at (909) 989-2258 or (909) 240-5731.
Assistance League of the Foothill Communities’ Thrift Shop, 8555 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, call (909) 484-7853.
SAN DIMAS March 22 Frank G. Bonelli Park Nature Walks, March 22, Bonelli Park, San Dimas. Join Pomona Valley Audubon Society for a two-hour nature walk for beginners as well as experts. The diverse habitat makes this a great place to find Greater Roadrunner, Cactus Wren and California Gnatcatcher, along with raptors and wintering water fowl. For start time and location, visit pomonavalleyaudubon.org.
Ongoing San Dimas Writers Workshop, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays, San Dimas Senior Citizen/Community Center, 201 E. Bonita Ave., San Dimas. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a writer, or have you had some great ideas for a story, or poetry, or drama? Consider joining our workshop. Whether you are a professional, novice or are simply interested in the craft of writing, everyone is welcome. You may bring a story to share or be inspired by other writers. For more information, please call (909) 394-6290.
Women’s Golf Club. We play at 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays, May through September, and 8 a.m. October through April, San Dimas Canyon Golf Course, 2100 Terrebone Ave., San Dimas. For more information, contact themathdoctor24@yahoo.com or mairzie@verizon.net.
La Verne/San Dimas Meals on Wheels. Volunteers are needed to help with the delivery of meals Monday through Friday. Most volunteers work only once a week, and are needed from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Donations made to Meals on Wheels help the recipients who need help in paying for their meals. For more information, please call (909) 596-1828.
San Dimas Historical Society, the Walker House, 121 N. San Dimas Ave., San Dimas. The San Dimas Historical Society preserves the history of San Dimas by bringing together those interested in local history.
Office and Archives: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Museum and Gift Shop: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Additional hours are posted on www.sandimashistorical.org or facebook.com/SanDimasHistoricalSociety. Docent-led tours are available by appointment. Call (909) 592-1190 or email office91773@sandimashistorical.org.
SAN DIMAS LIBRARY San Dimas Library, 145 N. Walnut Ave., San Dimas. Call (909) 599-6738 for more information.
Ongoing Book Party Book Club, 10:30 a.m., the first Wednesday of each month, San Dimas Senior Center, 201 E. Bonita Ave., San Dimas.
Yarnology, 4:30 p.m., second Thursday of the month. Teens and adults: join us as we crochet, knit, embroider, and/or quilt. Bring in your incomplete projects, your questions, and your desire to learn. While this is not a class, we still learn from each other in a friendly group setting.
Join Friends of San Dimas Library, 10:30 a.m., third Tuesday of each month except December, Library Meeting Room. All meetings are open to public. Friends are always in need of volunteers to help sort books for our ongoing lobby sale.
UPLAND March 21 Carden Arbor View School open house and kids’ activities fair, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 21, Carden Arbor View School, 1530 N. San Antonio Ave., Upland. Prospective parents and the community are invited. For more information, contact Director of Advancement Terri DiMarco at (909) 982-9919 or tdiarco@cardenarborview.org.
April 5 Vintage Home Tour, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 5, throughout Upland. This year’s tour is self-guided with guests driving to the homes in Upland with a map and addresses provided on the ticket. Old-fashioned boxed lunch will be offered in a lovely historic setting at two of the vintage homes featured on the tour. Advanced tickets available at Antiques Etc., My Jeweler, Cooper Museum, and uplandheritage. org. For more information, call (909) 981-0280 or visit uplandheritage.org.
Ongoing Uplanders Club, 11:15 a.m., second Wednesday of each month, September through June, Upland Hills Country Club, 1231 E. 16th St., Upland. Join our friendly, fun and social group offering a variety of different activities. For reservations, call Linda Schroeder at (909) 949-4031 by the fifth of each month. For membership information, contact Sharon Rachielles at (909) 985-8018.
Upland Woman’s Club. If you are interested in community service, philanthropic projects, socializing and meeting new friends, come visit and join us. The Upland Woman’s Club is a nonprofit philanthropic membership organization serving the needs of the underserved in local communities for more than a century. For more information, call (909) 982-3324 or visit uplandwomansclub.org.
The Upland Host Lions invites members of the community to volunteer. We meet the first and third Monday of each month at the Landacena Center, 1325 San Bernardino Road, Upland. For more information, visit uplandlionsclub.org or call (909) 490-1559.

The Upland Farmers Market, sponsored by San Antonio Regional Hospital, is open 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays in the Upland City Hall Parking Lot. Special themed events, music and children’s activities are planned. Where: Upland City Hall Parking Lot, 460 N. Euclid Ave. at Arrow Highway.
Senior Billiards Tournament, last Monday of each month, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Ages 55+, $5 includes lunch. Arrive at 11:30 a.m. at the Gibson Senior Center Billiards Room, 250 N. Third Ave. For more info, call (909) 981-4501.
Clutter Chaos, every Tuesday, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.: – Ages 55+ FREE Self-help group to deal with personal clutter. Gibson Senior Center Arts & Crafts Room, 250 N. Third Ave., Upland. For more information, please call (909) 981-4501.

Ongoing Youth Services Programs Wonderful Ones Storytime: 10 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, Children’s Reading Room. Follow us into the wonderful world of Wonderful Ones! Little ones will be encouraged to sing and learn rhymes in this music-based story time. Also featuring classic felt board stories, bubbles and colorful scarf games for sensory development, this lap sit Storytime is perfect for babies and young toddlers.
Family Storytime: 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Children’s Reading Room. Come join us for an enriching, sensory-based Storytime that incorporates American Sign Language to boost developing minds and encourages sensitivity to the needs of others. Our Family Storytime general content includes stories, crafts and enrichment that those ages 12-35 months might find tricky on their own, so they will need additional caregiver supervision to be able to participate to their best ability.
Creation Station: 3 p.m., first and third Wednesday of the month. Stop by to make a craft or an art project that you can take home. All ages are welcome.
Tween Game Day: 3 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays. Come by our new program for ages 7-12. This program is perfect for those looking for a fun way to be social, play games and unwind after school. For more information, please call (909) 931-4213.
Ongoing Tween Programs Teen Gaming: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., first and last Thursday of the month, in the Brodie Room. Get your game on with our brand new Wii-U! Play games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros.! We’ll also have board games available like Apples to Apples and Uno.
Teen Monthly Movie: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every third Thursday of the month, Brodie Room. Take a break and watch a movie at the library for a relaxing and fun afternoon.
Teen DIY: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every second Thursday of the month, Brodie Room. From ideas on Pinterest to YouTube, we’ll be tackling some fun DIY Ideas.
Ongoing Library Literacy Programs Volunteer Tutors Needed: Volunteering at the Upland Public Library’s Adult Literacy Program is a wonderful way to offer service to your city. For more information, please call (909) 931-4211 or email Literacy@UplandLibrary.org.
English Corner: 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 a.m. Thursdays, Brodie Room. Join us to practice your English conversational skills. For more information, call (909) 931-4211 or email Literacy@UplandLibrary.org.
Ongoing Adult Programs Conversations about God: Bridges of Understanding Series: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. every fourth Tuesday of the month, Brodie Room. The Library has partnered with the Upland Interfaith Council to bring visitors presentations from different faiths in and around our community.
Adult Arts and Crafts Club: 10:30 a.m., second Saturday of the month, Brodie Room. This is your chance to enjoy your own arts and crafts time! Each month we feature a craft for you to work on. Just show up and we will supply the tools and materials.
California DMV Driver’s Test Study Session: first and third Tuesdays. We help you study for the test with a walk-through session of the DMV Handbook, resources, sample test material and online practice tests. For more information, please call (909) 931-4205.
Book-Enders Book Club: 10 a.m. to noon, first Saturdays, October through June, Brodie Room. Ages 18 and older. Book-Enders Is a book club for adults featuring great books, excellent conversation, and fabulous guest speakers. Info: Adult Services Librarian, Lorene Broersma, (909) 931-4202.

Inland Empire Museum of Art, 1334 N. Benson Ave., Upland. For more information, visit iearts.org or please call (909) 297-0378.

Abstraction: Recent Work from Chaffey College Alumni Artists, through June 6, Rancho Cucamonga City Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. Presented by the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art and the city of Rancho Cucamonga, the exhibition includes the work of 10 Chaffey College “Student Invitational” alumni. For more information, contact Roman Stollenwert at (909) 652-6490 or roman.stollenwerk@chaffey.edu.

March 25 CGU Concert Faculty Concert with Robert Zappulla, 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., March 25, Peggy Phelps Art Gallery, 251 E. 10th St., Claremont.
Jennifer Moon, Visiting Artist Lecture Series, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., March 25, Harper Hall, Board of Trustees Room, 150 E. 10th St., Claremont.
March 26 CGU in Conversation with Sandy Lerner, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., March 26, Founders Room, Honnold Library, 800 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont. Be our guest at CGU President Len Jessup talks with Sandy Lerner, who co-founded Cisco Systems, started Urban Decay, and is the owner of the conscientious Ayrshire Farm. The public is invited.
March 28 CGU Concert Faculty Concert with Jenny Soonjin Kim, 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., March 28, Founders Room, Honnold Library, 800 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont.
Ongoing Claremont Colleges Mathematics Colloquia, 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Wednesdays, Argue Auditorium, 610 N. College Ave., Claremont. The Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences announces a series of regular colloquium lectures on topics in mathematics and applications. This is a great opportunity to learn about research ideas, questions, problems and progress in these areas from off and on campus.
HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE April 12 Aron Kallay, piano: Beyond 12, 7 p.m., April 12, Drinkward Recital Hall, lower level Shanahan Center, Harvey Mudd College, 320 E. Foothill Blvd., Claremont. New and old music for reimagined piano from Aron Kallay’s Beyond 12 project, including a new work from Jonathan Grasse, and Ben Johnston’s masterpiece, Suite for Microtonal Piano. For more information, visit hmc.ed/hmc-arts.
April 26 MicroFest: HMC American Gamelan, 7 p.m., April 26, Drinkward Recital Hall, lower level Shanahan Center, Harvey Mudd College, 320 E. Foothill Blvd., Claremont. The bell-like sounds of HMC’s gongs and metallophones ring out with new microtonal works. For more information, visit hmc.ed/hmc-arts.

Ongoing Child Care Food Program: The Child Development Center offers a free Child Care Food Program to all children who attend the center. For more information, please call (909) 274-4920.

March 29 Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar and electronics performance, 3 p.m., March 29, Bridges Hall of Music, 150 E. Fourth St., Claremont. Aaron Larget-Caplan will perform music by Lou Bank, Cage, Flaherty and others.
April 1 Student Recital, 8:15 p.m., April 1, Lyman Hall, 340 N. College Ave., Claremont. The program features students who are taking private lessons during the semester.
April 3 Friday Noon Concert, 12:15 p.m., April 3, Balch Auditorium, Scripps College, 1030 Columbia St., Claremont. Francisco Castillo on oboe, Jamie Pedrini on flute, and Phillip Young on piano will perform music by Saint-Saens and Castillo.
Piano Ensemble Recital, 8 p.m., April 3, Bridges Hall of Music, 150 E. Fourth St., Claremont. Students will perform music by Brahms, Dvorak, Faure and others.
April 4 Student Recital with Matthew Cook, baritone, 8 p.m., April 4, Lyman Hall, Pomona College, 340 N. College Ave., Claremont. The program will feature music by Bach, Chausson, Gershwin, Mozart and Schumann.
April 5 Junior Recital with Cherise Michelle, soprano, 3 p.m., April 5, Lyman Hall, Pomona College, 340 N. College Ave., Claremont. The program will feature music by Beethoven, Chaminade, Clarke, Cloud, Duparc, Hue, Nebra and Strauss.
POMONA COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART Pomona College Museum of Art, 330 N. College Ave., Claremont. Noon to 5 p.m., Tuesday to Sunday. For more info, call (909) 621-8283 or visit pomona.edu/museum.
Through May 17 Todd Gray: Euclidean Gris Gris, Sept. 3 to May 17. The exhibition includes an evolving selection of new sculptural photograph works derived from Gray’s exploration of the legacies of colonialism in Africa and Europe and a site-specific wall drawing that abstractly evokes a relationship to African deities.

April 7, April 9-11 Submissions now open for SBVC Media Academy Wolverine Con and 9th annual International Film Festival, set for April 7 and April 9-11. Submissions are open for panels, artists and student films. The events include a media expo, zone fest, CosPlay competition, as well as panels and a screening of SBVC College’s own Malik Stalbert’s film Derelict. Student films should be submitted at https://filmfreeway.com/SBVC_IEMA. For more information, contact Festival Director Lucas Cuny at (909) 384-8546 or lcuny@valleycollege.edu.
FOOTHILL COMMUNITIES March 21 Rancho Cucamonga Community and Arts Foundation presents Mummenschanz: you and me, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., March 21, Lewis Family Playhouse, 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. Swiss-based theater group Mummenschanz has been dazzling audiences worldwide for more than 45 years. These “musicians of silence” offer timeless insight on the human condition by creating a playful yet compelling experience through the inventive use of shadow, light and creative manipulation of objects. For tickets and more information, visit lewisfamilyplyhouse.com or call (909) 477-2752.
May 3 Comedy icon Jeff Dunham announces new international tour, May 3, Toyota Arena, 4000 Ontario Center, Ontario. Tickets on sale now for Jeff Dunham: Seriously!? For tickets, visit the Arena Box Office, ticketmaster.com or jeffdunham.com.
Ongoing Bob Hope USO needs volunteers in the Inland Empire to keep our troops connected to home, family and country. If you’d like to be part of the “force behind the forces,” register online at https://www.uso.org/take-action/volunteer. Select Ontario or March ARB from the dropdown menu to begin your application.
Women educators service group seeks new members. All teachers, professors, school administrators, librarians and other active or retired women in education are invited to a meeting of DKG. Among our service in support of education, the Beta Mu chapter provides
grants to help tuition costs for student teachers at the University of La Verne, Cal Poly Pomona, and Claremont Graduate University. In the spring it also gives a check and a citizenship certificate to high school graduates recommended from every high school in the Bonita, Claremont and Pomona Unified school districts. For more information, contact us at pk300se@msn.com.
The ESGV Branch of the AAUW invites women with a college degree to join. We meet monthly for service and fun projects. For more information, contact Jeanette Gulli at (951) 285-2256 or jhgulli@verizon.net.
Become a valuable community volunteer. Volunteers are “differencemakers” here at REAL Connections Village. Come be a part of our REAL Village, which helps seniors age in their homes safely and independently. For more information, please call (909) 621-6300 or visit realconnections.org.
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