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This week in Foothills Reader
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History, families, winemaking
Filling stations, garages, small retail wineries, and vintners’ homes all faced the old two-lane Foothill Blvd. – that most popular and heavily traveled thoroughfare also known as Route 66.

Organizations are encouraged to update their listings in any way that benefits the organization and the public. The Reader encourages community contributors to remain in contact with the public through releases and short items..

Uncertain forecast
Depending on the severity and duration of the outbreak, lower mortgage rates should help to offset the effects of a slower economy and increased economic uncertainty. The Federal Reserve issued an emergency cut in rates last week, and more cuts are expected again soon.

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With Flora Dugbartey new RC Chamber Executive Director
Dugbartey is listening to current Chamber members and businesses to create plans for strengthening the Chamber’s impact. While she intends to honor the Chamber’s service to the City and local businesses over the past 40 years, a quick conversation with her reveals her passion and excitement for new growth.

University gifted for film and TV
The former broadcasting concentration in the university’s Communications Department will be renamed the Nathan Chow Program of Film and Television. In addition, a new state-ofthe-art studio will be named the Nathan Chow Film and Television Studio..

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The San Dimas Festival of Arts 44th annual Art Exhibition and Sale, California Images and History,.

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Coming up: Ontario-Montclair Rotary 26th Car Show, May 9
If registering a show vehicle, include make, model, and year, as well as the name of any Club you and your vehicle are with. Pre-registered entries include a T-shirt..