Effective June 19, the State has granted Los Angeles County permission to reopen restaurants for in-person dining, and resume services at barbershops and hair salons, with protocols in place. Libraries are also open for curbside pick-up, as are museums, parks, drive-in movie theaters, gyms and fitness centers, day camps and professional sports without audiences – all with limits.
In San Bernardino County, dine-in restaurants, stores and malls, nail salons, tattoo studios and personal care services can reopen with safety measures after a stateordered shut down that ended in May and lasted more than two months.
Businesses that plan to reopen are required to follow state guidance detailed at https://covid19.ca.gov/industry-guidance/. Youth sports outside of day camp settings, indoor playgrounds, live theater, saunas and steam rooms, nightclubs, concert venues, festivals, theme parks and higher education campuses were not authorized to reopen as of mid-June.
All businesses must adhere to distancing and infection control protocols that provide safety for employees, customers and the County’s most vulnerable residents before reopening.
Permission is subject to change depending on government responses to health conditions. Call the business or local government if there are questions about operations.
Los Angeles County
In-Person dining in restaurants:
• Physical distancing measures will be in place
Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough
and fever. Patrons feeling unwell should not eat at a restaurant
• Outdoor seating and curbside pickup are prioritized
• Reservations will be encouraged
• Customers will be asked to wait for their table in their cars or outside the restaurant to prevent crowds from gathering
• Diners must wear cloth face coverings when not eating
• Bar areas will be closed
• Occupancy capacity will be limited to 60% for the next three weeks
Barbershops and Hair Salons:
• Physical distancing measures will be in place
Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough
and fever. Clients feeling unwell should reschedule their appointment
Everyone, including clients, must wear cloth face coverings while in
the salon or barber shop and clients are encouraged to wear face
coverings with ear loops to ensure the face covering does not interfere
with the hair service
• Magazines, coffee and other amenities will not be available
• Clients are
encouraged to use credit cards and contactless payment systems. If
electronic or card payment is not possible, customers should come with
exact cash payment or check, if available
• Stylists may only serve one client at a time
Nail salons, tattoo studios and other personal care services that require touching a client’s face:
Operators must acknowledge that lessees should only resume operations
when they are ready and able to implement the necessary safety measures
to provide for their safety and that of their clients
• Establish a written, worksite-specific COVID-9 plan at every location
Identify close contacts (within six feet for 15 minutes or more) of an
infected employee and take steps to isolate COVID-19 positive employees
and close contacts
• Tell customers that no additional friends or family will be permitted in the facility, except for a parent or guardian
• Customers should be temperature and/ or symptom screened upon arrival
• Clean and disinfect at the beginning and end of each shift and in between customers
• Frequently disinfect commonly used surfaces