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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Community binding together during crises
But as COVID-19 has taken our nation and globe by storm, and the ugliness of inequities in this country have been elevated to the forefront, we have also witnessed our community binding together through this time..
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Planning a summer staycation
The web is filled with ideas to easily repurpose your existing patio tables and countertops with stools and a few potted plants to create a space to relax and wet your whistle..
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Safety with recovery on the horizon
These include the use of high-tech sprayers and a highly effective disinfectant to sanitize all touch points within the airport, new passenger screening trays treated with powerful antimicrobial technology, new escalators with self-sterilizing UV-C light technology, clearly posted social distancing guidelines, the required use of facemasks and more.
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Wineries, tasting rooms, wine bars reopen to guests
“One of our main concerns has been how to cater to our customers who wish to avoid or minimize their in-store experience. We were happy to offer a new takeout dinner menu starting on May 2, and our classic weekend wine tasting in a to-go format. This is accompanied by a video walk through on our social media,” said Medina.
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Overview: Some of what’s open
In San Bernardino County, dine-in restaurants, stores and malls, nail salons, tattoo studios and personal care services can reopen with safety measures after a stateordered shut down that ended in May and lasted more than two months..
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Drive-up and walk-up sites are available throughout the county. Appointments are necessary. For more information and to request an appointment, visit or
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Cooped up? How about a movie at Ontario Airport?
“Drive-In Movie Nights at Your Airport” will be through July at Lot 5 on the northeast corner of the airport property. The movie series is designed to bring neighboring communities together while providing critically needed support to local food banks.
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