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Lifelong learning, like trying a new yoga pose, offers wellness benefits. Photo courtesy of ©AdobeStock

Learning a new skill expands one’s mind at any age. Continued education classes strengthen networks within the brain while enhancing one’s social network. They help keep seniors’ minds and bodies active throughout their golden years.

A pioneer of healthy aging, Oasis, a nonprofit educational organization, spans more than 250 communities throughout the United States. Headquartered in St. Louis, Oasis has enriched the lives of thousands of seniors. Each year, more than 135,000 adults take classes in arts and humanities, technology and more. They’ve also helped thousands of seniors give back to their communities through volunteering, tutoring and teaching both children and older adults.

Oasis currently operates centers in Los Angeles and San Diego, offering a wealth of virtual online classes during the pandemic. Adults aged 50-plus can find classes in Shakespeare and T’ai Chi, as well as virtual book discussion groups, exercise classes and much more, for just a few dollars per class via

The Los Angeles chapter has rebranded itself Club WISE, a program of WISE & Healthy Aging, an Oasis network national chapter. They normally teach Westside classes at their Santa Monica and Baldwin Hills locations. In-person courses are on hold, but seniors can still take advantage of exercise classes and more via online meeting software. They even offer educational programs for caregivers. shows class lists and more information.

Local YMCAs also offer a variety of fitness and health classes. Most classes are currently being taught online; however, some locations, such as the YMCA Of Metropolitan Los Angeles – Collins And Katz in Santa Monica, may also offer socially distanced outdoor classes.

A study at the University of Texas at Dallas showed seniors who took on a new mentally challenging hobby were rewarded with a lasting boost to their memory skills. Whether taking classes at Santa Monica College’s tuition-free Emeritus program or engaging in an array of lowcost classes through Oasis or your local YMCA, lifelong learning helps seniors stay mentally and physically fit while enjoying the ongoing pursuit of knowledge.

— Lori Berezin
Brand Publishing Writer

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