Page 31Loading... Tips: Click on articles from page More news at Page 31OPEN SAT/SUN 2-51 SEARIDGE, LAGUNA NIGUEL $7,200,00027902 VIA MADRINA, SAN JUAN CAP $7,195,00012 RIVAGE, NEWPORT COAST $6,499,88829 OLD COURSE DR, NEWPORT BEACH $4,568,0003922 E COAST HWY, CORONA DEL MAR $4,250,00010501 SWOODVIEW CIR, ORANGE $4,250,00019401 WUNDER TRL,TRABUCO CANYON $3,448,00028252 PASEO ANDANTE, SAN JUAN CAP $2,449,00042 MONTICELLO, IRVINE $2,090,00025 MISTY MEADOWS #18, IRVINE $1,750,00026792 BARKSTONE LN, LAGUNA HILLS $1,700,00022452 BAYBERRY, MISSIONVIEJO $1,699,00028 CANYON ISLAND DR #28, NEWPORT BEACH $1,395,000OPEN SAT/SUN 1-51605 JANTZEN DR, COLTON $449,000 |
BEVERLY HILLS, CA | $24,995,000/$110,000/mo Jade Mills | 310.285.7508 | CalRE #00526877 Thepropertyinformation herein is derivedfromvarious sourcesthatmay include, butnot be limitedto, countyrecords andthe Multiple ListingService,and it mayinclude approximations.Althoughthe informationisbelievedtobeaccurate,itisnot warrantedand youshouldnot rely upon it withoutpersonal verification.Affiliated realestate agentsare independent contractorsalesassociates,not employees.©2024 Coldwell Banker.All Rights Reserved.ColdwellBankerand the ColdwellBankerlogoare trademarksof Coldwell BankerRealEstate LLC.TheColdwell Banker® Systemiscomprisedof companyowned officeswhich areowned by asubsidiaryofAnywhereAdvisorsLLC andfranchisedofficeswhich areindependently ownedand operated.The Coldwell Banker System fully supportsthe principles of theFairHousing Actand theEqual Opportunity Act. 24EUZK_GLA_2/24