THE EISELE HOUSE JOHN LAUTNER, AIA CIRCA 1946 $10,995,000 Legendary John Lautner Architectural on2.5 acres with 360 degree views. Tremendous flat ridgetopwith pool, hiking trails, meadows of lawn and trees with astounding views and privacy. Property has 6separate lots and incredible potential to expand/rebuild or develop. BRETT LAWYER 310.623.3638 | CAROLWOODRE.COM |BRETTLAWYER.COM |BRETT LAWYER DRE 00897489 |SHOWN BYAPPOINTMENT ©2024CarolwoodEstates.Brokerdoesnot guaranteethe accuracy of square footage, lotsize, or otherinformation concerningthe conditionorfeaturesofthe property obtained from varioussources.Equal HousingOpportunity.DRE 02200006