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and maintaining your AC system regularly is crucial

According to Brian Arthur,owner of Arthur’s Air Conditioning &Heating in Norman,Oklahoma, “Regular AC maintenanceisparamount to keeping your cooling system humming along efficiently and effectively.Neglecting this canresult in decreasedenergyefficiency, increasedutility bills,diminished performanceand potentially ashorter lifespan foryoursystem.”

During an on-site visit, an HVAC technician will examine your airfilter,refrigerant pressures,and capacitor; they should also inspect contact points on thecontactor,check the wiring, clearthe condensate drain line, wash the condenser coil –carefully removing anyleavesfound in thebottom of your unit –check theamps of the compressor andcondenser fan motor and evaluate the supply/return air temperatures,according to Kevin Huffman, an Orlando-based HVAC technician with ProHVACInsights.

“The technician will verifypropersystem and motor operation. Drainpansand filters will alsobecleanedorchanged. Depending on what’sincluded withthe inspection, the expert mayalsocheck on items likeductwork, grilles that air goes in or out of and other elements associated withyour cooling and heating system,”saysMarco Radocaj,owner of Balance HVAC.

Your HVAC system is sealed, which means it shouldn’tneed extrarefrigerant added unless aleakisfound. The mostcommon refrigerant foundinsystems todayisR410A,but it is being phasedout soon for moresustainable refrigerants.

“Addingrefrigerant can cost several hundred dollars on its ownbut should onlybe doneifthe leak is foundand repaired before recharging the system with refrigerant,”suggestsHuffman.

Most HVAC technicians chargebetween $75 and $200 for an AC routine check and maintenancevisit. However, youmay be able to scoreadiscount if youscheduleroutinevisits annuallywith the same companyand also usethem to have your heating system checked in the fall, as recommended.

To safeguardand prolong the life of your AC system, it’ssmart to followbestpractices. The mostimportant step is to changeyourair filters regularly(everyone to three months).

Swapping out your old thermostat with asmart thermostat can alsoyield energysavings.

“A programmablesmart thermostat can set aconsistent,energy-efficient temperature that will help reducethe workload on your AC system, especially when youare notathome,” Arthur says.

CTW Features

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The average lifespan of a central AC unit is about 15 to 20 years.

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spatesphoto /AdobeStock

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