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Properly caring for your wood cutting board will extend its useful life.

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oap, water and mineral oil will keep this classic tool in good shape for years to come

If there’sone type of kitchen equipment youuse daily, it’syourcutting board, and it’s probablymadeofwood. Alongtime favorite of professional chefs and home cooks,wood cutting boardsare durable, gentle on knives and unlikelytoharborbacteria likeaplastic cutting board. It staysstrongasyou dice, slice and even crush iceonits steady surface. Readytogiveyour hard-working wooden cutting boards some TLC? Belowiswhat you need to do:

Wipe or wash the boardafter everyuse

Simply wipe off anyfoodresidue, such as breadcrumbs.Iffood particles stick, dip a clean cloth in soapy, warm water and wash the board’ssurface.Let it air-drybeforeusing or storing.

heat, either.That’swhy awoodcutting board should neverbeplacedinadishwasher. Its surface will eventuallycrack,warpand be too damaged (and dangerous) to use. Avoid soaking your wood boardinthe sink for the same reasonsand outcomes.

Oil it up

Mineral oil is likeamoisturizer for wood. It helps to keep thefibers supple and well-nourished, which preventsthem from drying out too quicklyand causing cracks or splits.Spreadafewdrops of mineral oilon thecuttingboard’s surfaces–justenough to coverevery inch equally. Wait at leastthree hours for the oil to be absorbed beforeusing. Oil your boardonceamonth or wheneverit looks dry.

can useone exclusively for meats and the other solelyfor vegetables.Ifyou have more cutting boards,you can labelthem for other entities likepoultryand fish. This willhelp prevent anybacteriafrombeing transferred from one boardtoanother.Havingboardsin different colors makes it easier to remember which boardtouse (for example, dark brown for fish and reddish brownfor vegetables). Wood cuttingboardscomeinall price points, so shop around until youfindone that fits your budget.

Knowwhen to call it quits

If youuse it daily, your wood cutting board will eventually sustain nicks,cracks and cuts, which mayharbor bacteria. Inspect your boardregularlyand decide when it maybe time for anew one.

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Don’tthrowitin the dishwasher

Useatleast twodifferent boards

The nemesis of aporous material like wood is water.Itdoesn’t do well in excessive

One wood cuttingboard is good, but twoboardsare even better.This way, you

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