For students entering grades 9-12 6-week/10-unit classes @ $750 June 20th—July 29th, 2011 8:00 am—12:20 pm @ La Cañada High School Course Offerings Available on March 15th Registration Begins on March 21st www.lcfef.org for more details The La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation is pleased to announce the inaugural session of the LCFEF Summer School. Classes will be held June 20th – July 29th. Tuition will be $750 for a six-week, ten-credit (two semester) class. The five-day-a-week program will run from 8:00 a.m.- 12:20 p.m. with a twenty minute mid-morning break and will offer courses in all areas of mathematics, English, social sciences, lab sciences, Spanish, physical education, sports medicine, media arts, etc. Individual course offerings will depend on teacher availability and student enrollment. A detailed list of courses will be available on-line at www.LCFEF.org on March 15th. Enrollment forms, specific enrollment procedures and school policies will also be available to download at www.LCFEF.org on March 21st. Enrollment will be on a firstcome, first-served basis with priority given to LCUSD students. Forms and tuition can be dropped off or mailed to the LCFEF Office at 4490 Cornishon Avenue, La Cañada Flintridge, Room 211. The mission of the LCFEF Summer School is to offer a challenging academic program whereby students can obtain a high degree of subject mastery -- allowing them to successfully continue to the next level within that subject field in high school or college. For additional information please go to www.LCFEF.org.