The City of San Gabriel, birthplace of the Los Angeles region, kicked-off its Centennial celebration on January 1st with the City’s first Rose Parade float in 41 years. Our float captured top honors at the 124th annual Tournament of Roses Parade by being awarded the Directors’Award for Outstanding Artistic Merit in Design and Presentation.

Our year-long celebration continued with the long awaited production of The Mission Play Re-Imagined which was performed for thousands in early April at the breathtaking Mission Playhouse. The Mission Play re-imagined the pageantry and spectacle of the original even as it attempted to draw parallels between that historic period and life in present day Southern California.

On April 24th at high noon, the City will gather at the Mission Playhouse courtyard as the time capsule buried in 1963 is uncovered, opened, and all contents will be shared with everyone present. Later that evening, the items will be on display at the Centennial Dinner being held at the San Gabriel Country Club.

An exciting array of events will continue throughout the year.

Learn more about our Centennial at, or by visiting

We are so proud of our City’s rich history and diverse culture and invite all of you to come to San Gabriel and join us at one of the many events being planned this year celebrating our Centennial.

Mary Cammarano Co-Chair Centennial Executive Committee

Kevin B. Sawkins Co-Chair Centennial Executive Committee

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