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This month in tcnnorth
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San Gabriel: Celebrating 100 Years and beyond
Nestled in the shadow of the San Gabriel Mountains and named for the Mission San Gabriel Arcángel founded there by Father Junipero Serra, the City of San Gabriel was instrumental in the founding of Los Angeles, as well as the state of California.

The City of San Gabriel, birthplace of the Los Angeles region, kicked-off its Centennial celebration on January 1st with the City’s first Rose Parade float in 41 years. Our float captured top honors at the 124th annual Tournament of Roses Parade by being awarded the Directors’Award for Outstanding Artistic Merit in Design and Presentation.

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‘Mission Play’ captivated early visitors
The legendary “Mission Play”, chronicling the establishment of the Missions in California and the beginning of the Golden State’s modern history, took on a re-imagined and revitalized form during a recent production for the City of San Gabriel’s Centennial from April 5-7.

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Grapevine Arbor Park gateway to new world
The park harkens back to a period when wine production was a vital part of the San Gabriel Mission’s way of life. With portions of the original vine still intact, Grapevine Arbor remains a lovely and important destination, just as it was in its glory days.

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La Laguna Playground delights children, adults
Fantastical creatures de San Gabriel, creative play, unique artistry and undeniable history combine to make La Laguna Playground one of San Gabriel’s most uniquely endearing landmarks.

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San Gabriel: Home to hula hoops and Frisbees
Initially founded in a family garage in South Pasadena, WHAM-O grew too large for such small digs. In the 1950s, the company moved its manufacturing plant to San Gabriel. Soon, this unique southern California community would be home to some of the most-loved toys ever created.

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‘Gateway to America’
The Alameda Corridor-East (ACE) Construction project for railroad-track grade separations and improvements in San Gabriel is designed to enhance current life, safety and travel in the community and throughout the region.

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