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School spirits? Pomona students do believe in ghosts
The story begins in 1956, when a fire swept through the original Pomona High School on Garey Avenue and the entire school was relocated to the grounds of what was once Palomares Cemetery – which actually predated Spadra’s Old Settlers cemetery. Today, only a small park and a historical marker near the sports fields commemorate the ancient graveyard.
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Celebration of Caring
Actress and cancer advocate Fran Drescher served as keynote speaker at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center’s recent “Let’s Do Brunch and Celebrate Together” fundraiser. Proceeds will benefit and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Robert and Beverly Lewis Family Cancer Care Center.
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Padua Hills Art Fiesta returns Nov. 3
Some local residents still recall the popular Art Fiesta held through the 1950s. Since 2011, the Claremont Museum of Art has continued the tradition with Claremont-area artists showing their work under the shady olive trees of the beautifully restored Padua Hills Theatre.
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Holiday season is an ideal time to teach how to give
In our world of instant gratification and the insatiable desire for consumption, we sometimes need to be intentional about demonstrating the importance of giving. In my experience, I have found it to be an opportunity that they have come to enjoy and have asked to do repeatedly.
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The proposed mural will be painted by Black and his art students, and will be located on the newly constructed south wall of the monument, which will not be needed for the addition of veterans’ names until after the north wall has been completely filled.
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Foothills Reader
Your community notes are welcome. Please submit community items, school notes, club releases and listings as Word documents attached to email. Photos should be attached as JPEGS at 300 DPI resolution. Send to
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My amazing mother remains my model
Every now and then, I will get a friend or patient who asks me, “How do you do it? Do you even sleep?” OK, I admit I don’t sleep much, but I’m not up at 3 a.m. being productive and writing this article. Instead, I’m hiding under the bed covers, playing Candy Crush or shopping online.
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Foothill specialist advances sinusitis care
This innovation in the treatment of debilitating sinusitis symptoms is called balloon sinuplasty. It is a balloon sinus dilation procedure that is so simple and quick it can be done in the physician’s office.
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Glendora library presents annual Battle of the Books
The competition among the 20 teams was tense as the questions got more difficult. After 21 rounds of going neck-to-neck, the winning team was No-Brainer Brainiacs. Team members are Jordan Lavazzeri, a seventh-grader from St. Louise de Marillac; and Jillyn Turunen and Noah Albrecht, both seventh-graders from Goddard Middle School.
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ONTARIO Oct. 28 Employment workshop 10 a.m., Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St. Library staff will help attendees file an unemployment application online and design a resume. Participants will become familiar with local and federal resources and the California Employment Development Department.
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Arts Calendar
LA VERNE Oct. 28 ‘Divinity Degenerate’ 8 a.m., University of La Verne, Tall Wall Space Gallery, 1950 Third St. The exhibit is an installation project by Mark Dean Veca and is on display through May 30. The gallery is open from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays or by appointment.
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Pegasus silhouettes soar across University of La Verne
Veca works within various mediums, including detailed ink-on-paper works and immersive large-scale museum installations. As his biography reveals, “a common thread unifying his work is an idiosyncratic draftsmanship that can reconfigure and redefine any cultural icon or pop image to have distinctively new presence and meaning.
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CLAREMONT 1739 Bridgeport Ave. DATE: Sept. 9 PRICE: $880,000 BUYER/SELLER: Carol C. Khawli and Leslie Khawli/Carol E. Surbeck (trustee), Surbeck (trustee) and Richard W. Surbeck BED/BATH/SQ. FT.: 6/3/3,214.
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Halloween’s time for home safety
• Eliminate fire hazards by keeping lighted candles and jack-o-lanterns away from landings and doorsteps where costumes could brush against the flames. Halloween ranks among the top five days of the year for candle-related fires, so consider using LED-bulb faux candles in place of the real thing and never leave burning candles unattended.
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How to Finance Your Solar System
Have you ever heard the expression “The more things change the more they stay the same”? I am living in that quote. The solar industry is changing every day, and in so many ways it is almost back to where we started. This is especially true when it comes to financing.
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