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CodeRED Emergency Notification System

For the past several years, the city has provided the CodeRED high-speed telephone emergency notification system, which gives the city the ability to notify residents by telephone about emergency situations or critical community alerts.

In the past, the system has been used for notifications of threatening wildfires, hazardous material spills and significant traffic impacts. CodeRED delivers the message through a highspeed telephone calling system to a phone number registered in the system.

Initially, the city used telephone company records to create the notification system database. However, with the continued increased usage of cell phones and mobile devices there is no way to obtain those numbers unless they are provided to the city. Consequently, the city encourages residents to register their phone numbers into the system. This can be done at no cost through the city’s website at go/codered. Those who previously registered can also update their information by adding additional numbers, e-mail addresses or requesting to receive text messages.

In addition, the CodeRED system now provides public safety alerts through a new smartphone app – CodeRED Mobile Alert. The app, which is a free download for iPhone and Android subscribers, will allow residents, as well as those traveling through the area, to receive alerts via notifications to their smartphones.

Those who have the app loaded and are within the affected area of an alert should receive a notification through the app to alert them of the issue. The app will also allow users to view all active alerts across the country, which can be a valuable tool for frequent travelers.

Residents with iPhones and Androids can download the app from the iTunes store or Google Play.

View City Council meetings, community events

Residents can stream the city’s government access channel, KWST channel 3, online.

The KWST feed, which includes the San Dimas City Council meetings and many other community events, can be easily and conveniently watched from a computer.

In addition to the streaming feature, there is now a video-on-demand library that will allow residents to watch previously recorded shows including City Council meetings and Ask the Mayor.

Help prevent stormwater pollution

The storm drain system was designed to prevent flooding by carrying rainwater away from city streets out to the ocean.

But during storms in urban areas, rainwater runoff carries pollutants generated from commercial businesses, residential areas, streets and sidewalks directly to the ocean, creating stormwater pollution.

For more information on stormwater pollution prevention, visit http:// www.cityofsandimas. com/ps.publicworks. cfm?ID=2543. For more questions or to report illegal dumping, call the Department of Public Works at 909-394-6240 or Los Angeles County at 1-888-CLEANLA.

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