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What's new at Foothills ReaderSAN DIMAS BRIEFSIn the past, the system has been used for notifications of threatening wildfires, hazardous material spills and significant traffic impacts. CodeRED delivers the message through a highspeed telephone calling system to a phone number registered in the system. Page 2 - no comments - 819 views  A more peaceful petreasons to bark. However, after a few minutes the barking should stop. If it doesn’t, teach your dog a quiet command. Allow him or her two or three barks, then say quite and interrupt the barking by using a squeaky toy or shaking a can full of pennies. The surprise should interrupt the barking. Page 2 - no comments - 769 views  The bumpy history of flight in the foothillsOne hundred years ago this spring, pioneer aviator Glenn L. Martin fixed the world’s attention on the foothills communities during a two-day flight show in Pomona when he took off from what is today the Fairplex and reached 14,200 feet over Mount Baldy (Mount San Antonio) to break the world’s altitude record. Page 2 - no comments - 717 views  New cosmetic filler offers results lasting two yearsWhen people come in to see me complaining about deep nasolabial folds or jowling, we commonly use a filler such as Juvederm, Restylane or Perlane to directly fill in these areas, lifting the skin up from underneath, so that the fold or line is not as deep. Page 3 - no comments - 3,067 views  Inland Empire Restaurant Week starts March 21Inland Empire foodies have cause to celebrate. The Greater Ontario Convention and Visitors Bureau is bringing restaurants from Riverside and San Bernardino counties together for the first Inland Empire Restaurant Week to be held March 21 to March 30.. Page 3 - no comments - 786 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARCLAREMONT Jan. 26 Interdenominational Christian service 11:15 a.m., McAlister Center for Religious Activities, 919 N. Columbia Ave. McAlister Center for Religious Activities will hold its interdenominational Christian service. For more information, call 909-621-8685 or visit www. Page 4 - no comments - 871 views  ARTS CALENDARAdmission is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors 65 and older and students with valid ID, $4 for children ages 3 to 12 and free for children younger than 3 and members of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden and the Claremont Museum of Art. For more information, call 909-625-8767 or visit www. Page 5 - no comments - 858 views  LIBRARIESCLAREMONT Jan. 26 Poetry at the Claremont Library 2 p.m., Claremont Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave. The Claremont Library will hold Poetry at the Claremont Library. Participants will hear readings by poets Cati Porter and Lee Rossi. For more information, visit www. Page 7 - no comments - 895 views  ROTOLO #1 in California!FONTANA, CA. January 13, 2014 Rotolo Chevrolet was officially proclaimed the #1 Chevrolet Dealership in California. Zone Manager of Chevrolet Motor Corp for California, Chris Shane presented this award to Owner Marie Waddingham and General Manager Mike Caposio along with their sales team. Page 8 - no comments - 2,788 views 