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What's new at Foothills ReaderCOLLEGE SPOTLIGHTProvidence Christian College in Pasadena is adding a Concentration in Music to its Christian liberal arts education beginning this fall. The college is holding auditions through March 15 in piano, instrumental and voice for prospective students interested in scholarships. Page 2 - no comments - 396 views  What age to begin screening mammograms?While many breast care centers only offer 3D mammography to women with dense breast tissue, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC) is the only breast center in the region to offer digital 3D mammography to all patients who visit the Pomona, Chino Hills and Claremont locations. Page 3 - no comments - 430 views  SoCal Cars CalendarThe Usuals Social Club presents Cruisin’ Off the Crudo,. Page 6 - no comments - 503 views 